Originally Posted by Texamosix
By the way, how do you guys have your buttons configured for multiplayer? (i.e. s,d,f or keypad, etc...)
Since you asked.....
bind TAB "+scores"
bind ENTER "I_owe_you_one"
bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"
bind SPACE "+moveup"
bind ' "get_killed"
bind * "hold_pos"
bind , "made_mess"
bind - "get_down"
bind . "try_again"
bind / "own_hiding"
bind 0 "cover_you"
bind 1 "useweaponclass pistol"
bind 2 "useweaponclass rifle"
bind 3 "useweaponclass smg"
bind 4 "useweaponclass mg"
bind 5 "useweaponclass grenade"
bind 6 "useweaponclass heavy"
bind 7 "toggleitem"
bind 8 "follow_me"
bind 9 "cover_me"
bind = "enemy_spot"
bind [ "out_men"
bind \ "nade_cover"
bind ] "yellow_belly"
bind ` "toggleconsole"
bind a "+leanleft"
bind c "+movedown"
bind e "+use"
bind f "weapdrop"
bind h "holster"
bind i "weapnext"
bind k "sniping_wussy"
bind l "instamsg_group_a"
bind m "ui_getplayermodel;pushmenu_dm mpoptions"
bind o "weapprev"
bind p "sayteam"
bind q "+leanleft"
bind r "reload"
bind s "+leanright"
bind u "pushmenu_teamselect"
bind w "+leanright"
bind x "+moveright"
bind z "+moveleft"
bind BACKSPACE "sniper_spot"
bind CAPSLOCK "toggle cl_run"
bind PAUSE "pause"
bind UPARROW "move_in"
bind DOWNARROW "fall_back"
bind LEFTARROW "right_flank"
bind RIGHTARROW "left_flank"
bind LALT "taking_fire"
bind LCTRL "+attackprimary"
bind LSHIFT "+attacksecondary"
bind RALT "shoot_better"
bind RCTRL "cowards"
bind RSHIFT "thanks"
bind INS "out_my_way"
bind DEL "good_rid"
bind PGDN "no_sir"
bind PGUP "yes_sir"
bind HOME "all_u_got"
bind END "target_practice"
bind F1 "vote yes"
bind F2 "ui_getplayermodel;pushmenu_dm mpoptions"
bind F3 "pushmenu Controls"
bind F4 "pushmenu_sp LoadSave"
bind F5 "savegame quick"
bind F6 "messagemode"
bind F7 "charge_cmd"
bind F8 "try_again"
bind F10 "take_point"
bind F11 "poor_leader"
bind F12 "screenshot"
bind MOUSE1 "+forward"
bind MOUSE2 "+back"