It's really not as bad as most people think. They're no nuns. The teachers actually try to help you and you get to go out of state alot for trips. It's alot better than all of the public schools I went to. Only thing I really hate is the damn uniforms.
I'm 13. I meant Jr. High. I'm in 8th grade.
13? jesus. ed: maybe i should watch my language around the 13 yearold catholic you like watch cartoons and nickelodean?
cause i remember back in the day when ren and stimpy was on. good shit.
alg 2?[/quote:33f42]in 7th grade they made me take the average math instead of the enriched level as they called it. Ever since then i've been a year behind because I had basic math in 7th with most people while the enriched kids had pre-algebra.
i got all A's and B's. i take all honors classes (the hardest ones) and a lower math class. im also in marching/concert band and jazz band. i cant take any computer or PE classes this year cry: so im stuck with drafting which isnt bad.