Originally Posted by Noctis
The entire letter is thinly veiled as an attempt to "acquaint" supposed red state voters with the "reality" of the average American Liberal. What it actually does is hurl insults at most of middle, western and southern America without much attempt to disguise them.
This is just another perfect example of morons - conservative or liberal - trying to use vivid emotional imagery to marginalize and further divide the nation.
Bottom line? Fuck off with it. Bush is President, Conservatives rule the House and Senate. We either come together as a nation and stop with the Bush is a Nazi and Red States are filled with special education candidates or we spiral even further.
Yeah, I have to agree. When she started bitching about how much she works to pull down enough to have paid $70K/yr. in taxes, its enough to make me vomit. Then, to question how much people in the midwest pay because they aren't as fortunate to have achieved the social standing that she may or may not be happy with is ridiculous.
I'll tell you a little story that gave me a little perspective. I used to be a circulation manager for a major newspaper in Washington, DC. I worked downtown and in the Rosslyn/Arlington area of Northern VA for 5 years. Many of my contractors were foreign born guys.
One of my contractors was an Iraqi guy. He worked for me for 2+ years and I got the opportunity to get to know him pretty well. He was a veteran of the first Persian Gulf war. The only thing is, he was a member of Saddam's "elite" Republican Guard. He told me how bad Iraq sucked and how poorly people were treated under Saddam. He explained how soldiers didn't have enough food, didn't get paid regularly, were beaten, and how some "disappeared."
After the Persian Gulf war, he was allowed by his superiors to go home and visit family for a few days. Well long story short, he kept on walking. After about a week of walking, hitching rides, hiding, and scrounging for food, he found himself in a Jordanian refugee camp. This guy was now a dead man if he were to ever return to Iraq where he had sisters and parents still living outside of Baghdad. He remained in the camp for better than 2 years before he got word that the US State Dept would grant him entry into the US.
While living here, he worked multiple jobs at once and sent what he could to his family living in Iraq. You see, his family was an average Iraqi family living in what we consider poverty. It was almost comical the lengths that he would have to go to in order to get things to his family without it being confiscated by the government on its way. Hiding stuff in feminine hygiene products for example. Anyway this guy was so proud of the little that he had amassed working and was grateful to be working 18 hours a day to sustain himself and help out his family. He loved living in the US.
After 9/11 and conversations started about attacking Iraq, he was so excited about the prospect of his country being liberated from the Saddam regime. He knew that there would be a number of civilian deaths and that his family would be at risk, but he could see the light at the end of the tunnel. He could see himself returning to be with his family and not being afraid to be put to death. He told me that his family and neighbors were excited and they were all pulling for the US to intervene.
I haven't spoken to him since the invasion began, so unfortunately I can't speak to how he feels now. My sense is that he would be disappointed with the way that things have turned out. If I had to guess, I'd venture to say that he would say it was worth it if the country stabalizes and avoids a hardline regime taking power.
This is very long winded, I know. My point is that WMD or not, even most Iraqis thought that it was time for Saddam to go. George Bush and John Kerry both agreed with the average Iraqi and voted to go to war with Iraq. This is why it disturbs me so much when people say that George Bush is sending troops to their death for no good reason. This is also why the US can't just pull out like some would like to believe is the solution.
As far as 9/11, Clinton had opportunities to kill Bin Laden after the first bombing or the World Trade Center, the USS Cole, and the African embassies. He elected to pass on these opportunities. Clinton is as much to blame as any conservative for what happened 9/11. But you know what, I don't hold him responsible for the actions of lunatics any more than I hold Bush responsible for the insurgency in Iraq.