for your delight: Taken from
1) Go to the "main" directory where you installed MOHAA:AA. Find Pak5.pk3 and change the filetype from .pk3 to .zip Unzip wherever you like (it's pretty big; over 300 mb's). Now go into the "maps" folder in the unzipped directory and find a file called "m3l1a.scr" and change the filetype from .scr to .txt now just double click and all the quotes are at the top of the file.
2) Remember "Raiders of the lost Ark"? the scene on the ship where the crate that contains the Ark has its nazi symbol burned off by the er... Divine power of the Ark?(if not goood excuse to watch the film again, its near the end btw)
Anyway in the training mission just after you pickup the explosives check out the back of the truck nearby (you will need to use the noclip cheat to get the best look activate using :+set ui_console 1 +set cheats 1 +set thereisnomonkey 1 and dont forget to quicksave and then reload in order to activate the cheats). Recognise the crate?
3) 1. After the second patch for Spearhead is installed, start the game, and
2. Go to the Multiplayer area,
3. Go to the Multiplayer Options area,
4. Click on the little window on the door between the 2 player models, & they will dance.
First of all, you must have cheat mode enabled.
Right-click on your Medal Of Honor shortcut and click on properties. Look where it says "target". Look where it says MOHAA.exe" Add this in to enable cheat mode: " +set ui_console 1 +set cheats 1 +set thereisnomonkey 1" without quotes.
Note: There SHOULD be quotes before and after the original pathname. Ex) "C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\MOHAA\MOHAA.exe" +set ui_console 1 +set cheats 1 +set thereisnomonkey 1
Next, when in the game menu, go to the "advanced" menu. Check the box that says "enable console" Then, you're ready to begin the egg.
Then, you must be at the Operation Overlord: Omaha Beach part of the game. Beat the beach part. Get to the part when you have to infiltrate the bunker. When you're at the area when you have to kill the MG-42 Machine-Gunners, type "noclip" (without quotes) to fly and go through walls. Use your jump key to go up and crouch key to go down.
Finally, go BEHIND the bunker where other MG-42's and the trenches are. Go somewhere and type noclip again to stop fly mode. Now you can walk around. This is the egg. Notice that there are functioning doors and intricately designed shelves, floors, signs, etc. Go to where the mortar launchers are. See the red glow? Recognize that from previous missions? It's a bomb planting area. I think the people who made this game intended on making another part to this mission, like destroying the mortars.
I'm guessing they were just too eager to put the game in stores.
Pretty cool, eh?