Once you get up on that platform there's a room with a valve (red wheel), turn it and the place will flood, allowing you to swim through the tunnel where you were originally trying to stack the barrels.
been playing this all day and im almost through anti citizen 1. Im right where gordon and alyx need to get to the basement's command center. Amazing game... even thought i get the feeling that they whore that physics engine too much oOo: . but thats just me. I'm hoping they make opposing force 2 so there can be more combat. Which is my other problem. The urban gunfighting seems to be one of the best parts but they dont seem to use it enough. but its still a great game
Once you get up on that platform there's a room with a valve (red wheel), turn it and the place will flood, allowing you to swim through the tunnel where you were originally trying to stack the barrels.[/quote:7994f] ever think of doing a color analyst job buttocks?? biggrin:
Or you could climb the ladder and jump on the pipe, and walk across it to the catwalk.
thats the way i did it
And, might I ass I passed the entire game without asking for anyone's help or looking at any guides or walkthroughs. I'm so super proud of myself. rock:
That area with the water and the valve and all that shit was probably the one area I was stuck on the longest in the game.
Location: 69 Offtopic Lane, Forum Road, Internet City.co.uk
11-29-2004, 02:36 PM
I'm sick as a parrot at the fact until valve release a patch, I can't play the game at all. Was running great before the last patch then it all went to shit and crashes if I load a game up.... loney:
When do you think they'll release a new patch, I hear they're working on one but....maybe next week?
That man is the richest whose pleasures are the cheapest - Henri David Thoreau
damn HL2 crashes after this part..Says memory could not be read.. What i did was get up on there and open that gate, and i flew through it (using the branches as a ramp), it said LOADING then crashed.