My team and I are considering putting on a Sniper School one night every two weeks to a month. We would be covering basics of Sniping as well as some more advanced techniques, as well as some Sniper V Sniper tips.
We would be using our T1 Game server and our T1 TeamSpeak server to do this. Is there interest in the community to attend something of this sort? I am creating a mailing list to inform everyone of our progress and such. If you would like to be added to it, then just email me at
DISCLAIMER: We do not claim to be the best or know everything. I'm sure there are better, or people that know things we do not. I have been playing for awhile and usually hold the Sniper rifle in my hands for 2 to 3 hours a day, as well as many of my teammates. We are interested in teaching and strengthening the MoH Community as a whole.