Ok, here's the deal. I've done a lot of modding to my server's maps. Mostly they are just spawned items. Today I decide I want to add some vehicles in Holland. I already have a 'wefer in there, so I go ahead and add some vehicles in the mp_holland_scr file. When I load it up to test it locally and on the server, they aren't showing up. Here's the NON WORKING holland scr file:
[quote="Scorpion -]M15F1T[-":e587d]From what i remember each thing you spam needs a seperate name.
I would suggest lookin in console to see what errors it throws up.
I've changed it so each item has a different name, but it still didn't make a difference. Is there anyway to output the console information to a text file so I can make it available for people to see and analyze, perhaps finding the problem?