oh and Chicken I tried modeling and well I suck.... please dont spam here
the bar in the 1st pic - is called a L1A1 -here at mohfiles -[url:28dfe]http://moh.filefront.com/file.info?ID=21332[/url:28dfe]
actully,the L1A1 is a british assault weapon,not a SAW...saw's are only used in the us...and canada..lol but that pic darksouls is not a l1a1,lol all i can say,im out
temping to have a go at a Saw im pretty sure i can do one up on that.
wheres this ripped from goat clan or something, who actaully modelled/skinned them?
and I know rippin is wrong but I cant model worth shit..... and I alwasy send them an email tellin them if they send 1 back saying dont do it I dont so I dont see anything wrong with it
only kidding i dont really care about ripping, wouldnt do it myself but i dont have a problem with it.
suppose if you cant model or just dont have the time makes sence to credit someone else and just use there work. oOo:
cant find a good pic of the minimi SAW might try a different saw or lmg. happy: