Originally Posted by Hollywood
Originally Posted by bukdez
Originally Posted by Hollywood
Originally Posted by bukdez
i think the author of that article should stfu and make his own games...
Yes because it takes one person to "make" a game. Maybe you should take the article for what it is instead of over analyzing it, laugh a little or kill yourself and save humanity the trouble of having to deal with you.
are you fucking retarded?... maybe you should apply your own theory when you read my post... i guess you've never bothered to read my posts before, or you'd know i'm not a fucking idiot... take your emo/suicide bullshit insults and fire 'em up your own ass pally, i laugh all the time... in fact i'm laughing at you right now, thanks for making my day!...
Guess what? Trying to reference proof that you are in fact not an idiot makes you an even bigger moron, no one cares that you can pretend to have an iota of intelligence on the internet, and for this you should kill yourself. I say this because if you care that much how smart you APPEAR on the internet, your real life must truly suck.
dude you just don't get it do you?... you're the one who freaked out and brought up suicide... i said I'm not an idiot in reference to your challange of me understanding the article... i don't have to pretend to be intellegent... i have a university degree to do that for me... so sit down, stfu, and take a chill pill, you know fuck all about my life you worthless twat... and maybe when a good friend of yours kill himself, you'll understand how ignorant suicide jokes make you look...
this is the last thing I have to say on this... I've never had a beef with you before, in fact i've always found your knowledge of films and your movie memorabilia collection to be interesting, its just to bad that you are so fucking stupid that i need to put a "/sarcasm" or some kind of smilie in my posts to prevent you from getting your panties in a knot...
so fuck you, captain over-analysis...