Webmasters and Web desingers PLEASE read (HTML code) -
08-12-2002, 03:52 AM
I'm a member in a squad dedicated to GOD named *MoG*.
It stands for Men oF God
And i was offered to help with the website,but the current webdesinger (my budd :P )desings the site in HTML code...and i wanted to know why is he doing this....i mean..are there any disatvantages of the normal mode in Microsoft Front Page why is the HTML code better to use rather than a normal web desinging program?
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Eli [/img][/code]
FrontPage spits out extremely ugly HTML code. It adds a lot of extraneous crap to the code, making the page bloated and hard to troubleshoot.
I always code HTML in Notepad, adding comments in the code to show what the code is doing.
FrontPage will produce a web page for you, no doubts there. But, it will no doubt look amateurish and drive anyone foolish if they ever had to troubleshoot/alter the code.
There are a lot of HTML editors out there that are WAY ahead of FrontPage. Do a Google search on HTML editors. Use FrontPage as an absolute LAST resort.
you mention frontpage in here again I may be forced to kill you, jk
although what i can i say, i have been using notepad for the last five years, Just started using Dreamweaver when MX was released, Ah... beatiful dreamweaver, i whish i would of found you sooner.
Seriously now, if you have no expierence with HTML, then frontpage is a ok decision, but not recommended, infact the Code is very very ugly, dreamweaver is nice, MX will conform to some standards even make it XHTML complient--not very hard to do on your own-- But now if HTML is confusing everything else will confuse the hell out of you, but you pick it up fast.
If you proogram with html frontpage sucks everyones butt. Sometimes its too eas that i didnt know what to do and i found myself doing the obvious thing. jusst writing the text.
Its really stupid too.
My suggestions for html editing is: (even for you people who use notpad)
coffee cup html editor (free trial) [url:f89e2]http://www.coffeecup.com[/url:f89e2]
1st page (free full edition) [url:f89e2]http://www.evrsoft.vom[/url:f89e2]
Theyy layout the code extremely nicely with different commands highlighted and you have a tab on top to preview your html instantly. Much like front pages preview, except not dumb