01-02-2005, 01:30 PM
i originally made my Slag map just because i wanted to have a map my son and i could run around with zooks on multifire with. if you take your zook .tik files and go to the dm section :
[code:8c35f]// DM Attributes
dmprojectile models/projectiles/rpgshell_dm.tik
dmbulletspread 5 5 500 500
dmstartammo 6
dmammorequired 0 <---------CHANGE FROM 1 TO O
dmfiredelay .15 <--------CHANGE FROM ORIGINAL 1.5
dmcrosshair 1
dmmovementspeed 1 <----CHANGE FROM ORIGINAL
// this is attached to the player during reload
cache models/ammo/rpg_shell.tik
surface shell +nodraw
the zook .tik files in citynights final where better in my eyes because the trajectory allowed the shells to 'arc'
you can also ingame alter the trajectory speed with the code line
[code:8c35f]rcon sv_maxvelocity (enter a lower number ) [/code:8c35f]
however the above code will effect everything.