What is the most ammount of times your name has shown up as being the last poster for a thread at a given time.
Mine was 14 different threads at 14 time. If yu have done better, let us know. Also, who has the highest post count? my guess is strik0r (sorry if i misspelled it)
Ohyea, they cnt be lame post,s, they have o be helpful and contribute to something
Where's Bazooka Joe? He hasnt hit this thread yet!?! That man outright wins the most post in the "last post" box. There are screen shots of his "ownage" lying around. Who ever has those. Please post.\
As for overall most post... humm theres someone around here with 3000+ i think.
well, 76 posts in one day. noone seems to be posting anything so there's nothing for me to reply to. so i guess this is it, and maybe i will find some more posts for me to dominate later. and i hope somene got a screenshot of me havinf the entire board 'last post' as me