I broke my leg and now I need surgery on my ankle...right now I am only in a splint, after I get surgery I will be in a cast, good thing I get some vikadin(sp?)... so other then that it sucks balls, but the broken leg should heal fast, how ever I tore some legements or tendons or something in my ankle and my whole ankle has shifted to the right so they need to put a screw and a plate in my leg somewhere to fix it... oh yes I did this at school jumping down some stairs
Hate to tell you this but.........you're gonna be reminded of that injury later on in life. I'm dealing with a few "historic" injuries myself but you learn to live with it.
anyhoo, milk everyone as much as you can after your surgery. Use everyone as a slave for as long as you can. Do they take the plate and screw out afterwards or is it perm? Hope you heal up nicely beer:
[quote="Mr.Buttocks":08f92]That sucks. On a happier note, I've yet to break anything. I think I'm like Bruce Willis in "Indestructible Man".[/quote:08f92]
GG Super Dave Osbourne...next time walk down the steps thats what they are there for
"I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do if I caught one. I just *do* things. I'm a wrench in the gears. I *hate* plans." - The Joker http://pressthenyckbutton.blogspot.com/
. Do they take the plate and screw out afterwards or is it perm?
if they use titanium it will stay in forever. If they use stainless there is a better chance of removal. They problem with removing the implants is that it can do more harm than good. the titanium inplants mesh nicely with new bone growth, I would hope that is what they use (titanium) it is better and bills out better!