Haven't been here in a while, and did a search for is and didn't find much or any help, so i was wondering if anyone knows how to better install the mohv1.0 mod. i've done everything i can think of and have come up empty handed, so if anyone can help id be grateful
oOo: readme says exactly what to do, duno how that isnt helpful il quote it below inclass u missed it.
put the file *vietnamprogram.exe* in the directory *C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\MOHAA\main*
put the file *MoH-Vietnam.bat* in the directory *C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\MOHAA*
put the shortcut file *medal of honor vietnam.lnk.* on your desktop (this is just a shortcut of the *moh-vietnam.bat*)
put the folder *gviet* in the directory *C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\MOHAA\main\sound\dialogue\Multiplayer*
double click on the shortcut or the bat file to run vietnam, opening the orignal mohaa shortcut runs the game without