Posted this also on comment on Modtheater but it is better to repeat then never be heard
Just played it , just with 3 guys FFA but I think I've got the idea.
Apart from the mentioned glitches. The rooftops seems to be sticking out a bit. Since there's been enough ooohs and aaahs I just do the bits where there's room for improvement
The flow of battle in the map is a bit unbalanced. The rooftop is only accessible by one single ladder.
The extra sniper rifles and especially the nades are too much. With a 20 person of more I expect a lot of nades flying continously because of the unlimited supply.
A few more access points would be great ( a ladder near the MG and a way to acces go on the roof from the semi open rooftop ( stupid me no screenshots made of that one)
If positioned correctly in team mode the team that makes it to the roof will be dominating. The single ladder is then too easy to defend.
If with enough people the MG42 will then be truly devasting. No window is safe if there's also covering fire from the rooftops with MG's or snipers or worse RL's...
The corner with the mines I would also give that some elevation so one can lob then some nades on to the roof...
I like the car , it blocks the view a lot from that same corner.
That's all. Looking forward to the next release......[/quote:9e5c5]