now, even though i hear all this bullshit about people playing moh:aa to "have fun" i know there has to be a different, more evil side to the game. now, i always find myself checking my record constantly whenever i'm in a server....checking who's doing better then me so i can go shoot them in the face 7 times with an M-1. its, most the people i know that play the game are in it for fun, yet, in it for a little competition too, a little recognition. hrmmm. is it just me and my band of chronies that are finding themselves being incredibly competitive? or does everyone feel this way? I NEED OPINIONS 8) !! peace.
I play mostly just for fun, but yes, there is always a bit of competiveness to it, and you don't want everyone to think you stink, so recognition is also a factor, but games are games , they are supposed to be fun.
I play for fun, but I have to admit I hate being beaten bad. While I know I'm not as good as most on the server I play on, it still urk's me to get creamed every 2 sec's. That's usually when I either act like an ass for a few minutes (blowing steam) or turn the game off.
IMHO, if all you care about is being better then everyone else, you'll eventually either find yourself incredibly frustrated or get bored of killing everyone without any real fight. But if you're just looking to have fun, and sure competition is nice, then I think you'll find yourself playing more often and thus enjoying the other people you play with more.
Quite side note, when Von and Strik0r are on, it's easy to be an ass with them. :lol:
I, and the other (ABS) people I play with often get asked to join other clans whos servers we frequent, to help them in matches etc....
I dont know about anyone else who plays just for the fun of the game...but me personally......
I SUCK when I get into competitions......I could kick all these peoples butts in a game where I am just foolin around....but as soon as someone mentions tournament/competition etc......I just stop having fun and cant play as well.....I am just not in the same mindset......
So yes I play for the fun of the game and no other reason.....
I also dont view trying to keep up with someone better than you on a server as are bettering yourself...and if they feel your pressure you are most likely bettering them also.....
I think if your that obsessed with your scores you need to go outside for a little bit to blow the stink off ya. In the end it's just a game, pure and simple. Why get in a twist over a game. If I'm in a server and not having fun, I just switch servers or quit until later. 8)