Originally Posted by Gh0st
Why do you call us naive? There is a much greater chance that that video was made by al Qaeda... Why? Because its not just one video they obtained but many...
What exactly is it that you have there? Did you not read my posts? Video footage is always edited and it is very easy to setup a picture so it looks like certain relationships exist. There is no proof that what you're seeing is an Al-Qaeda test. None, what-so-ever. The purpose of its release is quite clear though. In instill greater hatred towards the specified group. It seems to have done its job very well here.
[quote:63c19]Also why would we need to fight a propaganda war?[/quote:63c19]
Because simple people need to be encouraged to support their governments actions. Even those who support the cause need to be bombarded continuously so that they continue to remain behind the actions. People forget things all too easily.
[quote="Mr.X":63c19]...yes, listen to FWB everyone, it's all propaganda!!! oOo: [/quote:63c19]
Is that the best you can do?
[quote:63c19]...we have no reason to believe those fuzzy care-bears Al-Queada, Taliban and Saddam mean us or anyone else harm..... hake:[/quote:63c19]
Where did I say that they meant us no harm, a quote please? All I'm stating is that the video means nothing.
Besides, that kind of torturing goes on in every western nation on a daily basis (even excluding government work).
On a final note, I find it incredible that I post the list of children who have died in the Palestine-Israel conflict only to get responses of "why the f*** should I care?" followed by jokes. Yet, this, this video of nothing (yes, it is awful an animal suffers, but compared to what is going on elsewhere) brings out great rage directed at a group that we have no proof is connected to it. It says alot about many people in this forum community.