Originally Posted by TiberiusAD
I do of course understand that mankind as a whole may not be ready for this. We are still a race divided and there are certainly those out there who would use this kind of technology for the worst of purposes.
But never...not a single time have we let that stop us, why should this be any different?
I won't go into a Bush bashing frenzy here, but I do not agree with the president on this, mostly because of his inabillity to understand more than his own viewpoint.
Yeah, I think it's silly that people get all worried about stem cell research, and these same people don't even bat an eyelid when some new super power gun is invented....Which is more dangerous to humanity?
We've had nukes for about 60 years - not to mention all other kinds of WMDs, and so far these haven't been used by "the wrong people," so really, what's the worst that could happen with stem cell research? I mean, at least they have a very obvious bright side that could possibly solve several problems for humanity in general. What have nukes really done for us besides make us absolutey paranoid about our neighbours and their intentions....It's driven us to war for fucks sake.
I have no problem with stem cell research at all, when its stacked up against things we already have.