the red japanese circle was commonly call the Japanese Red Star.
I [url= h:5a19a]googled[/url:5a19a] Japanese Red Star and did not find anything refering to the Japanese 'Meatball"
**Practicing the dark art of turn signal usage since 1976.**
spank: i have heard people saying the red star...anyways...i made two but i ll with the scond one..
All the WW2 reference to Red Star, that I can find, point to the Soviet Union. The red star was the emblem of the Soviet state. Can you give me a link?
**Practicing the dark art of turn signal usage since 1976.**
All the WW2 reference to Red Star, that I can find, point to the Soviet Union. The red star was the emblem of the Soviet state. Can you give me a link?
Lo, I think he was b-shitting himself....Either that or he means China. oOo: