I always burn installers just in case and i found a cd of my lt3d 1.3.5 installer so if anyone needs the installer just the installer for 1.3.5 ll send t or whateever but im stll looking for a dl link
you obviously diddnt read any of this thread and diddnt think befor posting
i paid 96 bucks for a cd key to sxcreations
I have my own paid cd key so no wares and the installer is freeware so
also sc creations gives all updates to anyone who buys any version of lightray
wares are for punks dont ever insult me like that again ZONER rock:
how is it boarder line warez? he just asking how to work the new vision of lightray one u can download it for free. two he sed mhe has a registration anyway eek:
The point is i got my version back : ) i know how to use it so thats not my problem who told me to register to the site is right ! i payd for my registration so i wouldnt ever give it away
the demo ((((((((DEMO))))))
is free (((((FREE))))) !!!!!!!!