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08-20-2002, 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by FWB
Originally Posted by Gh0st
Why do you call us naive? There is a much greater chance that that video was made by al Qaeda... Why? Because its not just one video they obtained but many...
What exactly is it that you have there? Did you not read my posts? Video footage is always edited and it is very easy to setup a picture so it looks like certain relationships exist. There is no proof that what you're seeing is an Al-Qaeda test. None, what-so-ever. The purpose of its release is quite clear though. In instill greater hatred towards the specified group. It seems to have done its job very well here.
[quote:197a3]Also why would we need to fight a propaganda war?
Because simple people need to be encouraged to support their governments actions. Even those who support the cause need to be bombarded continuously so that they continue to remain behind the actions. People forget things all too easily.
[quote="Mr.X":197a3]...yes, listen to FWB everyone, it's all propaganda!!! oOo: [/quote:197a3]
Is that the best you can do?
[quote:197a3]...we have no reason to believe those fuzzy care-bears Al-Queada, Taliban and Saddam mean us or anyone else harm..... hake:[/quote:197a3]
Where did I say that they meant us no harm, a quote please? All I'm stating is that the video means nothing.
Besides, that kind of torturing goes on in every western nation on a daily basis (even excluding government work).
On a final note, I find it incredible that I post the list of children who have died in the Palestine-Israel conflict only to get responses of "why the f*** should I care?" followed by jokes. Yet, this, this video of nothing (yes, it is awful an animal suffers, but compared to what is going on elsewhere) brings out great rage directed at a group that we have no proof is connected to it. It says alot about many people in this forum community.[/quote:197a3]
You say that the purpose of the tape was to direct greater hatred toward the specific group? They are terrorists... terrorists create terror... we already hate them... so whats the purpose of creating greater hate against them... were already at war with them... propaganda in this situation serves absolutely no purpose... And then your say people forget things to easily so thats why we need propaganda here... I haven't forgotten about Sept 11th... I haven't forgotten what a terrorist is and what they have done to our country... and I don't think any American has forgotten Sept 11th... We know what they did to our country and were at war with them now... saying that the tape is propaganda is absolutely ridiculous...
So I ask you... what is the purpose of this tape if it is propaganda...?
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08-20-2002, 11:12 AM
FWB, to put it blunt and to the point, get that pole thats shoved up your ass out and begin to realise your say aint the final fucking word. Your acting as though you are all knowing, and then go and say your no expert. Well, guess what, you sure as shit aint no expert. Why dont you leave your "philosophical" bullshit at the door and spare us with your constant anti this and anti that crap.
Frankly I'm sick and tired of being told what I can and cant do and think by you. You've basically said I cant go and shoot my gun because YOU dont like them and had the gall to say that I should go find a new past time just because you dont agree with my current one. Two words can clear THAT up pretty damn well and I think you know what they are.
Now your telling us that our hatred toward terrorists and Osama bin Laden is now only coming out after we've seen these images, and that this is more propaganda ?? I dont know where you've been pal, but I dont think the citizens of the US need anymore propaganda to tell them to hate, they already did before seeing those images. After seeing those poor dogs in the videos my blood boiled.
We've been voicing our hatred for terrorists and those responsible MONTHS before you reared your ugly mug around here. With what you've said you've portrayed to me an image of arrogance and a whole lot more. I said dont piss me off, and I mean it. And dont come back with some lame attempt of belittling me because of my choice of words in what I have had to say. Dont even think about it.
Oh, and by the way (this is off topic) your little spin on non lethal ammuntion in the "gun debate" thread was completely incorrect, I just never had the chance to get back to it. Read up a little on something you know little about and you'll realise oh wise and wonderful one that your "non lethal" rounds are infact very lethal and have killed many. That comment really proved to me that you know sweet FA about firearms and ammunition.
Please, dont mind me, I'm tired, a little pissed off because of work, and feeling the effects of an oncoming cold, but please....continue the debate.
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08-20-2002, 11:57 AM
after watching the video, the reporter says several times during, 'it is not known at this time who has made this video' 'this video has not shown any new ambitions' and at the end 'this video only prompts new questions, and doesnt give us any answers' why fwb, did you go off on some tangent saying how biased the media is? anyway, i totally agree with ballistic wookie here, if you actually think your going to change peoples own minds you are terribly mistaken. from reading all your posts i get the feeling that you do not appreciate the freedom, liberty, and justice the United States provides you....i get the feeling from you that you are just another cynical know it all. Everyone else in this country are morons, and are 'sheep' right? they dont think for themselves, and should not trust the government. wait, i think i found out who fwb is! its rush limbaugh! give it a rest man, i am growing quite tired of your clearly anti-everything point of view, your starting to remind me of that mel gibson conspiracy theory movie.....relax man! yes our government is very covert, but that is to protect its own people....and yes i agree that people as a whole are pretty easy to coax and arent that intelligent....but thats been known for years.....100 people together are not that smart.....individuals on the other hand....are very smart...
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08-20-2002, 09:03 PM
Its pretty clear your posts are motivated by some deep seeded problem. I've argued against your poor comments a number of times in posts and you've taken it personnally. Understandable for those with a fragile self-esteem, but you should learn how to conduct debates and that all that is being thrown about is thoughts. This is a forum. I'm entitled to voice my opinions. The gun post was finished quite sometime ago, and if you actually cared to read it you'd realise that I came to an agreement with the more mature posters that we all have our own worlds we wish to live in. Why you choose to bring it up in here is beyond me. If you want to continue that discussion, place it in that post. I'll be happy to beliitle you and act in in a condescending manner in that thread. Claiming you couldn't bring it up before is lame. I'm inclined to believe you've been working on a response for the last week and it finally came to you (in a dream?), although its quite a poor one. I'd recommend spending more time on them.
[quote:a4ff9]I said dont piss me off, and I mean it. [/quote:a4ff9]
Can you see how I'm shitting myself?
[quote:a4ff9]And dont come back with some lame attempt of belittling me because of my choice of words in what I have had to say. Dont even think about it. [/quote:a4ff9]
Opps... too late.
Don't worry, I take no offense from your posts. I'm beginning to learn that young kids will say things they don't fully understand. One day you'll look back on this and cringe, so you're already forgiven.
As for Animal, I think this you should take a look at this:
Some quite intelligent and insightful poster had this as his/her sig.
[quote:a4ff9]why fwb, did you go off on some tangent saying how biased the media is?
Because, if you'd been paying attention, it is very clear that the post produced large amount of unreasonably directed outrage from certain people in this forum. The object of this article was far from bringing objective news to the public.
[quote:a4ff9]if you actually think your going to change peoples own minds you are terribly mistaken. [/quote:a4ff9]
Arhhh, so you are confirming my deepest suspicions, that the majority of people here are stubborn and close-minded? Does that include you (not an insult, just a question)?
[quote:a4ff9]from reading all your posts i get the feeling that you do not appreciate the freedom, liberty, and justice the United States provides you....[/quote:a4ff9]
[quote:a4ff9]i get the feeling from you that you are just another cynical know it all.[/quote:a4ff9]
Correction... know-it-all with better English skills than most people here. Sorry, just had to put that one in.
Ghost, well you continue to ignore the posts I'm making. Here's an idea... read what I say before commenting. I've covered that topic a number of times. If we follow your logic then the Nazis/Stalinist really didn't need to put all the effort they did into constant propaganda/brainwashing their citizens. A few clips/comments here and there should've sufficed.
As a final note, some great posts there guys. Completely irrelevant and consisting of nothing but personal attacks. Keep up the good work. Your parents, I'm sure, are very proud of you. 
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08-20-2002, 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by SoLiDUS
Every single time I was going to reply to some of the folks here, FWB said
EXACTLY what I wanted to say before I had a chance to do so personally...
Finally, another lit candle in the dark room that is the world...
Thanks. It is nice to know that I'm not alone in this forum. It can get lonely in the sea of ultra-conservatives. 
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08-20-2002, 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by FWB
Its pretty clear your posts are motivated by some deep seeded problem. I've argued against your poor comments a number of times in posts and you've taken it personnally. Understandable for those with a fragile self-esteem, but you should learn how to conduct debates and that all that is being thrown about is thoughts. This is a forum. I'm entitled to voice my opinions. The gun post was finished quite sometime ago, and if you actually cared to read it you'd realise that I came to an agreement with the more mature posters that we all have our own worlds we wish to live in. Why you choose to bring it up in here is beyond me. If you want to continue that discussion, place it in that post. I'll be happy to beliitle you and act in in a condescending manner in that thread. Claiming you couldn't bring it up before is lame. I'm inclined to believe you've been working on a response for the last week and it finally came to you (in a dream?), although its quite a poor one. I'd recommend spending more time on them.
[quote:8cc52]I said dont piss me off, and I mean it.
Can you see how I'm shitting myself?
[quote:8cc52]And dont come back with some lame attempt of belittling me because of my choice of words in what I have had to say. Dont even think about it. [/quote:8cc52]
Opps... too late.
Don't worry, I take no offense from your posts. I'm beginning to learn that young kids will say things they don't fully understand. One day you'll look back on this and cringe, so you're already forgiven.
As for Animal, I think this you should take a look at this:
Some quite intelligent and insightful poster had this as his/her sig.
[quote:8cc52]why fwb, did you go off on some tangent saying how biased the media is?
Because, if you'd been paying attention, it is very clear that the post produced large amount of unreasonably directed outrage from certain people in this forum. The object of this article was far from bringing objective news to the public.
[quote:8cc52]if you actually think your going to change peoples own minds you are terribly mistaken. [/quote:8cc52]
Arhhh, so you are confirming my deepest suspicions, that the majority of people here are stubborn and close-minded? Does that include you (not an insult, just a question)?
[quote:8cc52]from reading all your posts i get the feeling that you do not appreciate the freedom, liberty, and justice the United States provides you....[/quote:8cc52]
[quote:8cc52]i get the feeling from you that you are just another cynical know it all.[/quote:8cc52]
Correction... know-it-all with better English skills than most people here. Sorry, just had to put that one in.
Ghost, well you continue to ignore the posts I'm making. Here's an idea... read what I say before commenting. I've covered that topic a number of times. If we follow your logic then the Nazis/Stalinist really didn't need to put all the effort they did into constant propaganda/brainwashing their citizens. A few clips/comments here and there should've sufficed.
As a final note, some great posts there guys. Completely irrelevant and consisting of nothing but personal attacks. Keep up the good work. Your parents, I'm sure, are very proud of you.  [/quote:8cc52]
It seems like you keep avoiding the question... I have yet to find an answer in your previous posts, so if you would be so kind to point it out instead of posting " read before commenting " since thats pretty much all you say to answer my question every single time ... I can understand propaganda being used if we were to attack Iraq... but were fighting terrorists here... there is little or no need for propaganda... no one is going to need to have propaganda tell them that eliminating a terrorist organization is the right thing to do... propaganda has nothing to do with this tape... you said it yourself... propaganda is to instill greater hatred to that specific group... even without this tape we still show our hatred towards terrorists and those who want to kill innocent people because of what happened on Sept. 11th... so why in the world would this tape be propaganda???? if you dont understand that you need to lighten up on the freak conspiracy theory crap...
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08-20-2002, 11:20 PM
[quote:9020b]I can understand propaganda being used if we were to attack Iraq... but were fighting terrorists here... there is little or no need for propaganda... no one is going to need to have propaganda tell them that eliminating a terrorist organization is the right thing to do... propaganda has nothing to do with this tape... you said it yourself... propaganda is to instill greater hatred to that specific group... even without this tape we still show our hatred towards terrorists and those who want to kill innocent people because of what happened on Sept. 11th... so why in the world would this tape be propaganda???? if you dont understand that you need to lighten up on the freak conspiracy theory crap...[/quote:9020b]
People forget very fast. Hence the need for a "constant refresh", not all
that different from the constant refresh signals RAM needs to properly
"operate". Propaganda has a bit to do with this tape in the sense that it
instills greater hatred for the targeted group; in this case, Al-Qaeda. I
understand that they haven't mentioned names, but the relationship is
suggested and you damn well know it.
Otherwise, people go about their daily business. I do agree with FWB that
while much effort and money is going into stopping terrorist activities, much
COULD be done to help the less fortunate around the world. While we still
wait for results to come from this whole fiasco, consider that the results from
helping others would be immediate. I'm not suggesting that we stop trying;
just that we help save others NOW.
Just a thought.
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08-20-2002, 11:33 PM
who gives a shit
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08-20-2002, 11:37 PM
I cant stand people who fuckin reply every sentence
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08-20-2002, 11:43 PM
FWB...It is now clear that there is no need to rear your VERY ugly little head around here anymore...So for the good of mankind, go tug on your balls somewhere else, Mr. Mufasa.
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08-20-2002, 11:54 PM
[quote:4258c]It seems like you keep avoiding the question... I have yet to find an answer in your previous posts, so if you would be so kind to point it out instead of posting " read before commenting " since thats pretty much all you say to answer my question every single time ... I can understand propaganda being used if we were to attack Iraq... but were fighting terrorists here... there is little or no need for propaganda... no one is going to need to have propaganda tell them that eliminating a terrorist organization is the right thing to do... propaganda has nothing to do with this tape... you said it yourself... propaganda is to instill greater hatred to that specific group... even without this tape we still show our hatred towards terrorists and those who want to kill innocent people because of what happened on Sept. 11th... so why in the world would this tape be propaganda???? if you dont understand that you need to lighten up on the freak conspiracy theory crap...[/quote:4258c]
Too right.
FWB, what are these deep seeded problems ?? I could say the same about you and your continual strive to point out our faults with your "wisdom" in everything you know dick about. Ofcourse I take it personally when you think your word and thought is all that matters. I take it personally when you think that responsible gun owners have to suffer as a result of illegal firearms trade and I take it personally when you think that our hatred and want for military action (which has well and truly already happened) in Afghanistan is fueled by some video picked up MONTHS after full scale operations there were discontinued. We already hated terrorists, we already wanted their blood and we have already given them a severe kick ass beating which they very much deserved, even IF in the slightest and most unlikely situation that they werent involved in that tragedy on 9/11.
Yes, you are entitled to voice your opinion just aslong as you dont shit on everyone whilst your doing it, which is the complete opposite of what you have been doing. Basically, you've been telling everyone to read your posts like they are the written word of some "knowitall". You keep telling us to go back and read your posts as if they hold some deep and meaningful picture that you would hope we all pick up and "indoctrinate" into our every day lives. Well guess what mate, only a minority here agree with you, and the rest arent going to be told what they wish to believe by an arrogant prick like you.
The gun debate is well and truly over and I'm not going to bring that topic back up after it's finished with. I felt it necessary to give you a reply on that "non lethal" ammunition comment which I felt would have gotten me a quicker response here. As it is, you probably dont believe it because of your pure stupidity and confidence in what you say. Well you were very wrong in that respect and I urge you to do a little reading about so called "non lethal" ammunition like "rubber bullets". Claiming that I couldnt bring that topic up earlier was lame ?? If havent noticed I really havent been posting much in the last few days and posting to this thread reminded me of that comment so I felt obliged to get the plain truth out to you, because if you feel these "non lethal" rounds are just that you have very little knowledge in that area, which is already painfully obvious.
Oh yes, I'm very certain you would be happy to act in a belittling and condescending manner towards me, because thats the kind of person you are, you are already doing to it everyone else in ways not so obvious so go ahead do it to me. Yeah, ok, I was working on that response for a week...a few days before that tape was released ?? Now you think I can see the future ?? Come on now, your getting ridiculous and if that was in some way supposed to piss me off, I'm terribly sorry, it's just made me laugh. You recommend me to spend more time on my posts ?? Mate, I have a life off the internet, I dont know about you, but I have better things to do then spend "a week" getting a post just right and good enough for your eyes to handle. I'm really sorry if I hurt your delicate sensibilities with the profanities in my posts, truly I am.
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08-20-2002, 11:58 PM
*Leans on Wookie* Nuff' Said.
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08-21-2002, 12:00 AM
Hmm..I wonder what FWB stands for swordfight: oOo:
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08-21-2002, 12:16 AM
FWB = Furious-Sex With Boys.
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08-21-2002, 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by Tripper
FWB = Furious-Sex With Boys.
Furious sex?
Furious-sex-in-the-dark-with-plastic-jedi-knight-light-sabers-while-eating-a-sandwitch With Boys?
Sorry, just had to say it...
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