Originally Posted by Tripper
FWB...It is now clear that there is no need to rear your VERY ugly little head around here anymore...So for the good of mankind, go tug on your balls somewhere else, Mr. Mufasa.
I'm sure that took some serious thinking to come up with that beautiful response. Well done.
[quote:450b0]I could say the same about you and your continual strive to point out our faults with your "wisdom" in everything you know dick about. [/quote:450b0]
I haven't pointed out anyone's faults.... yet. Merely criticised some of the posts being made. But hey, if you guys see that as an attack on your own characters, what can I say?
[quote:450b0]The gun debate is well and truly over and I'm not going to bring that topic back up after it's finished with. [/quote:450b0]
Yes, it is...
[quote:450b0]I felt it necessary to give you a reply on that "non lethal" ammunition comment [/quote:450b0]
Ohh no, wait, you've raised it again.
[quote:450b0]If havent noticed I really havent been posting much in the last few days and posting to this thread reminded me of that comment so I felt obliged to get the plain truth out to you, [/quote:450b0]
lol. There's no need to justify yourself to me, but I'm honoured that you think so highly of me to do so. As for the lethal bullet comment, if you'd actually read the thread you'd have realised someone responded to my comment. You're five days late.
[quote:450b0]Mate, I have a life off the internet, I dont know about you, but I have better things to do then spend "a week" getting a post just right and good enough for your eyes to handle. .[/quote:450b0]
lol. Of course you do. Another jusiftication. The simple fact that you feel the need to say this speaks volumes.
[quote:450b0]I'm really sorry if I hurt your delicate sensibilities with the profanities in my posts, truly I am[/quote:450b0]
Now, now. Don't try and copy my style of posting. Find your own.

Anyhow, being a mod you should be setting an example for the people here by refraining from insults. Have you noticed how the laughable childish responses came out of the woodwork, after your post? You don't appreciate how the kids here follow your example. In the end all that you show is that you are incapable of expressing yourself and thus have to resort to such... how can I put this politely... pathetic behaviour.
I noticed the crowd has come out to play. Some great insults there. Good work.