I have a free for all server for MOHAA and it used to be full about 18 hours a day. Now it's only full maybe an hour or two out of the day. I check the servers and there is around 2500 or so and only 500 or 600 people playing it.
Is the game kaput?
I'm thinking about switching the game over to Breakthrough or BF1942, the Battlefield game looks cool and I haven't tried Breakthrough yet.
What is the cool new 1st person shooter everyone is playing these days?j
If you don't have the cash flow to upgrade your system to the newer games that are out such as Battlefield 2, I'd recommend Battlefield 1942 over Breakthrough. beer:
CoD, Maybe CS:S and HL2, but from this day, Id say Battlefield 2 is the primary game for most people.
Originally Posted by Ferich
If you don't have the cash flow to upgrade your system to the newer games that are out such as Battlefield 2, I'd recommend Battlefield 1942 over Breakthrough. beer:
If you're interested in hosting a different game, try out Call of Duty: United Offensive with the Revolt mod. I believe that it competes side by side with BF2. Instead of the UO WWII weapons, the Revolt mod upgrades everyting into modern day weaponry and Middle East maps....the game ROCKS. My clan hosts a Revolt server if you wanna check it out before upgrading to it. I can't remember which IP it is, so I'll give you both UO IPs: or