[quote:59b69]One of the first things to understand about DOOM III is that it's not being designed as your typical first-person shooter, where elements like plot and atmosphere often take a back seat to the action. The game will take a more deliberate pace, to allow gamers to soak in the surroundings. "One of the design goals of the game is to terrify people," Stratton explains, "we're setting up scenarios to scare people." The demonstration contains a number of moments that illustrate this point, including one where your character is checking out his reflection in a mirror … and you suddenly spot another creature off to the side, rapidly charging your way.
While id isn't planning on giving away the entire plot of the game anytime soon, Stratton did give us a few ofthe basics: DOOM III is basically a "retelling" of the original DOOM, with many of the same characters and themes, and even some returning weapons. Most of the game is set on Mars, where you're a marine recently stationed at the Union Aerospace Corporation, a company with strong military ties doing experimentation with teleportation technology. It seems a few people at the UAC don't exactly have everyone's best interests at heart, and after a betrayal, things quickly descend into chaos, with members of the facility being possessed and turned into zombies. This is where you come in -- as one quote from the demonstration put it, "only one man stands between hell and earth... you."
Details are also a bit thin on the many of the enemies, weapons and levels, but there were some elements that could be seen in the demonstration. There were a number of zombies roaming the UAC installation, based off both civilian and security personnel. There were also a number of seemingly non-human creatures present -- many of whom attacked with quick, lunging attacks, and were all modeled and animated exquisitely. The main character carried a pistol for the majority of the demonstration, but also got to wield a shotgun (causing much spattering of blood), as well as an assault rifle that reminded me quite a bit of the one from Halo. And while the entire demonstration was set in the UAC facility, we're told that you'll also get to make a trip to Hell.