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View Poll Results: Should they get payment?
Yes 2 9.52%
No 19 90.48%
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FWB is Offline
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Default 08-22-2002, 05:22 AM


Some very fine reading, all of which I find hard to disagree with. The only thing I'd like to add is that I feel too much emphasis in many a society is placed on the individual taking responsibility. While there is no doubt that a person cannot blame everything on his/her surroundings, there is a strong lack of understanding of the social and political constraints, derived and still in place due to past suppressive instituions, on many minorities. I think it should be also made clear that this isn't just a black issue, but one that spans many social divisions: gender, sexuality, ethnicity and class, to name a few. I think people need to stop and think at times why it is that certain groups suffer more than others. Blaming it on laziness is just an easy way to relieve our burden of guilt.

In regards to this thread, the question is rather general. As GreatWhiteDisappointer points out, there is corruption [within the system] which results in inefficient, to put it mildly, disturbtion of aid (money isn't the only form of support required). This has to be dealt with. However, it isn't a question of repaying people for the slavery issue, but helping them to get out of a low socio-economic position and acknowledging that life can be very difficult for people because of structures some of us have in place.
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Sgt>Stackem is Offline
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Default 08-22-2002, 08:29 AM

I have proff that my ansesters (sp) died freeing the slaves. Do I get money too? I wont because Im white!
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Default 08-22-2002, 09:41 AM

Two sides to every story!

1) I don't feel I should be forced to pay more taxes to people just because of thier race. Yes, they were enslaved by the Confederacy, not the Union. The Union is what is now our government, also the ones that freed the slaves. I also have ancestors that were here in the Early 1630's. (George Welker) All throughout my family history, there was not one report of owning a slave. However, I did have a few ancestors fight with the Union. The arguement is, blacks want reparation because thier ancestors were enslaved, and they want the people whose ancestors enslaved them, and helped enslave them, to pay. They feel that since they were in that situation, that modern day African American's can't get off thier feet. So they feel they deserve money to 'get off thier feet'. *Ahem* *Cough*. I would be totally willing to mentor and help any black person who would come to me and ask for help. As a matter of fact, one of my brother's buddies from the Marine Corps needed some help (he was black), and he didn't know what to do. I gave him my advice on what I would do in the situation he was in. Of course, he didn't listen because he wanted to be the 'Macho guy'. He didn't want to settle things as I, or any other civilized person would have settled it. He got himself into deep trouble, and all I can say is, I tryed. I will also say if he ever came to me again with another problem and wanted me to solve it, I would try again. Simply because that is all they need. Some mentoring to help them get out of the situation they are in. But, it's up to them, how much they want to get out of that situation.

2) Money would help if it was going for the right causes. If will actually be used to go to college, and pay for work outfits. I guarantee it will be abused by at least 25% if they get the money. But, would this help out the majority? I don't think it would, it would be just enough to help a small minority of them. You take away our money though, we will be the ones poor, and not able to afford college.

The point is, we don't know who the money will go to, what it will go towards, and how effectively it will be used. I wouldn't mind paying if I knew I could still stay on my feet and afford the things I need, and it was also going towards someone who will use it wisely.

What are the odds of both happening though when the government is in charge of it? Slim to none.

What are the odds of it happening if I was to mentor someone and help them out personally, and if needed, help them out financially? Better, but as in the example before, not always going to work.

I say those who wish that this bill would pass, try to help someone out personally before trying to push it onto other people too. Being forced to help someone out that you have NO knowledge of, well, thats just BS!
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Pfc.Green is Offline
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Default 08-22-2002, 09:47 AM

My ancestors also never owend slaves, and they fought for the Union, why should the blacks get money from me and my family?....I never see the people of india going over to england and saying "gee you treated us like shit...give us money" The fact is that reparations are a dream of some blacks but, but in reality reparations will never be paid.
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Sgt>Stackem is Offline
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Default 08-22-2002, 12:22 PM

one more thing, the whites bought the black slaves from africa from BLACK MEN!!!!!!!!! Why not sue thier own? The black leaders in africa were the ones that started this mess in the first place.

heres my answer "you want money, here ya go"
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Default 08-22-2002, 12:24 PM

what the fuck is the Union, is this an American thing

oh ya, didn't you guys fight your own country....funny shit

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Default 08-22-2002, 12:38 PM

yeah well alot of countries fight themselves, we fought because the south wouldnt abide by our laws and wanted to seceed (break away) so we had to fight them to keep them in

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Default 08-22-2002, 12:45 PM

[quote="Capt. John Miller":7008c]yeah well alot of countries fight themselves, we fought because the south wouldnt abide by our laws and wanted to seceed (break away) so we had to fight them to keep them in[/quote:7008c]

so you killed a bunch of southeners so they would stay with you in America

We let Quebec like vote if they wanted to go or something and it worked

wouldn't you be better off without southern America......well some of the states, get rid of all the rednecks and hicks

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Default 08-22-2002, 01:15 PM

Originally Posted by Pyro
wouldn't you be better off without southern America......well some of the states, get rid of all the rednecks and hicks
Ahhhhhhh....... if only they would let the south go, man us rednecks would love that. Then maybe we could tax all those damn yankees tha retire down here and promptly try to tell us how to do things. Oh yeah, dont get me started on whiney canadians either.

Screw reparations. We already had a civil war over the whole thing and I believe it was our countries bloodiest conflict to date. Not to mention that it violates I dont know how many laws. It was legal at the time. You cannot punish someone for doing something that was legal at the time. Never mind that many of my ancestors didnt even get to the states until after slave times (not all, I did have relatives that fought for the confederacy and some in the revolution.) Some of the companies they want to go after have been bought and sold numerous times. Should you punish new owners for thing that prior owners did, legally, many generations ago? Hell NO!

It was funny, I saw on tv some of the "millions for reparations" rally that was held in DC (before my wife made me change it) and I think they had about 50 people there. More people were speaking than attended.
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Default 08-22-2002, 01:42 PM

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Default 08-22-2002, 01:49 PM

I say, "NEVER! Why should my money go to some grandchildren of slaves? My family is from Syria and Slovokia. I have nothing to do with it! Even if my (great)grandfather did own slaves, why should i pay for something he did. Plus, the slavery doesn't affect Blacks so much today that they need some compensation. I hate when they bust on you for "enslaving their ancestors". Stupid if you ask me."

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MrLevinstein is Offline
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Default 08-22-2002, 06:29 PM

no they dont deserve the goddamn money not to seem like a racist but we give enough shit to afro americans in the inner city. a big fat welfare check they need to stop asking for a handout. my ancesetors came from poland and sicily they never asked for a handout never asked for a helping hand. how about some money from germany from dealing with the holocaust? ha fat chance we earn our money. not all black people are on welfare i spent a day in rochester and where is everyone at 3 in the afternoon? hanging around instead of being at work no surprise. i hate to come off so hatefully but when my family has to pay some lazy man can stay home from working its sad. then the scream and bitch like 6 year olds because they were slaves. big fucking deal jews were slaves to eygpt. there not crying for a check jews have had it a lot harder than blacks they need to stop the crying
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Default 08-22-2002, 07:49 PM

well ya....Poland is can get there own money.....anyway my babcia lived in Poland during those times

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