I know Rudedog don't want us to talk yet another time about cheats and stuff, but to all you ppl concerned about them, I'd like you to know that clanbase, (
http://www.clanbase.com) the international laddersystem, are devoloping an anitcheat program that should be awesome.
[quote:9f964]Some of you already heard that I'm working on a anti-cheat tool like punkbuster for Mohaa. I've been working on it the last 2 weeks for non-stop and it starts to take shape. The software is written in 100% c++ code.
For the people who don't know who I am: I made 2 modifications for Quake2, KOWF and the better known 3TeamCTF (3TCTF). I also made the infamous DCBProxy that allowed better teamplay for Quake2CTF by displaying team information on the HUD. I've been a programmer for more than 20 years now.
Anyway: It will be a couple of weeks before the first version will be tested and released.
The anti-cheat tool has 2 sides; server and client side. The serverside is a NTService. This service will enable or disable clients on one or more MOHAA servers. The clientprogram needs to be run before MOHAA and will check installed pak files and send information to the anti-cheat Server. The server will decided if you are allowed to connect on the server.
The list of allowed PAK files and checksums will be hosted on Clanbase as a XML webpage. This way all servers that support the anticheat tool will have the same setup because it loaded it default settings from clanbase.
However. The client side settings of console settings can only be checked 100% hackfree if EA releases the MOD-SDK code. I know from Quake2 that the server is able to monitor and check all clientsettings. I'm looking into a way to check them using development settings. If any one already knows how, please let me know.
The server side of the software is also able to monitor your servers and will be able to ban players on name and IP (range). A 3rd program is able to login onto the Anti-Cheat server to change settings if required.
I've designed the software to be multiplatform. So in the future it will be easy to support more games like Q3.
We will test the software on our DBD servers ( ports 12203/12204 12206/12207).
I'll never garantee that i'll be able to stop all cheating with this software. One of the problems is that all information is send from a client to a server. And we all know that a client can be hacked....
I don't know if that can stop the fear opf cheats, but it might help. Personally I don't don't think there are any usefull cheats. Sure there's norecoil mods and the brightness thingy and bright skins, but none of them are usefull if your aim sux.... And if you can hit what you aim at, you don't need those anyway.