check ur main folder for other mods, the 3rd person wont have anything to do with this file its either a mod or something u typed in the console. oOo: duno what u did,
guy that cant install do you have xp ur the first with this problem im guessing u didnt let its finalise the install? im creating a pk3 version for u to try. gimma 30mins while i upload.
wtf there arent any servers with this mod in it mad: If there is it not showing up on list.. Also when i try joining any aa server it says in my console this server is runing 1.11 patch please get the latest patch... And i think i got this patch cause i have the pak6 and it game with that patch.
if you like the mod run it on ur server but we dont run our own server cus we dont play mohaa.
if ur computer says u dont have the latest patch, then suprise u dont have the latest patch. oOo:
vietnam runs with its own shortcut like spearhead does from mohaa, they dont interfer with each other, if u have any problems its something u have done not this mod...
also i duno if we are gun release the pk3 version but by all means if someone else wants to go for it. hope u enjoy the mod anywayz its our last mohaa mod we now do cod2.
someone else might, there no real point us opening a server as we dont play mohaa anymore and it costs money. i didnt have to release it but it would be pretty pointless not as we spent so much time on it. if u dont like it fair does im not to fussed i like to hear feedback cus we are making a new tc so its good to know what is good and bad but mohaa is old and dead so whats the point in clinging on eh!