Originally Posted by GordonHall
[quote:dc92a]Your arrogance and ignorance is always apparent when you post. Ask anyone here about how I act on these forums. I am never personally affected by what people post unless it happens to be like a death in their family or something along those lines. I just enjoy posting my views on things, and only continue on my little game of annoyance if the other person keeps on talking. It is I who is affecting you in this manner, as most people have the common sense by now to quit repeating nonsense over and over again to try to prove themselves righteous or something along those lines.
Again you sight arrogance and ignorance, yet you fail to yield a single instance in which I was wrong and you were right. You definately personally afflicted by my comments, otherwise you would not attempt to most torpidly respond with your verbal anal lube.
Most people also have the common sense to discontinue their rampant shitfest of incredulity and fatuity, yet you heed not this advice either. It's not a shame either, I rather enjoy seeing you make an ass of yourself.[/quote:dc92a]
It isn't advice though, it is just recycled trash that I've been hearing from you since you came here. This bitch Sheehan has every right to see Bush if she wants too. Republicans seem to be the most partriotic of the two parties, but they seem to be the most against giving anybody the rights they are so eager to die to protect. They are against a girl whose son died for no reason that should cost his life, who just wants to speak her mind about it. I guess the only people who are allowed the rights and freedoms of the countries are the republicans who are still living in the past. Hell, most of ya'll would probably vote in slavery if you could.
Oh ya and buckweed, this guy has posted in offtopic when he thought the 93' playoffs has the leafs in the eastern conference instead of the western conference which meant he thought the leafs couldn't possibly of faced the red wings and annihilated that piece of shit team.