In a situation such as what they are in, i'm not gonna blame them for "looting" food, water, and essential items to survive. Thats human instinct, to survive. However, I don't think the 47" TV applies.
I dunno about you but if I had lost absolutely everything even a TV would look like an attractive conquest. When it all blows over, that would be worth something when sold.
Honestly I don't think any of us can rightfully judge their actions unless we've experienced what they're going through. It's a pretty outrageously out of the ordinary situation in New Orleans, for us to all assume we would know how to act if we were there and had lost everything....
It's like when you watch horror movies with people who bitch the whole time about why the characters make stupid/wrong decisions I always want to ask them how the fuck would they know what it feels like to act under those circumstances.