[quote:97243] Fred Phelps on the death of William Rehnquist, Funeral picket planned
by Michael Rogers
Reverend Fred Phelps, the man behind the Westboro Baptist Church's pickets of gay and military funerals has set his sites on the late William Rehnqust, the late chief justice of the United States Supreme Court.
In a document issued earlier today, The Church has declared that it will be picketing the funeral of Rehnquist on Wesnesday, Sptember 7, 2005. The protestors plan to gather in front of the Supreme Court building in Washington, DC.
The church has released a flier containing information about the protest:
" It is a sin not to rejoice when God executes his wrath and vengence upon a sorry, faggyass judge " lol Faggyass? How old is the person that wrote this? oOo:
" It is a sin not to rejoice when God executes his wrath and vengence upon a sorry, faggyass judge " lol Faggyass? How old is the person that wrote this? oOo: