1. Never, and i mean never fight a guy over a girl. That is retarded.
2. latinas are very "high maintenance" and she did you a favor
3. You're only 17....way too many girls to score out there
no worries man, youre still young and so is she. those high school lovey dovey relationships dont last. mine was on for almost 5 years before she ended it, just move on. When you meet the next girl, you wont even remember why you liked her to begin with.
oh yeah, let your new gf know that your ex stayed with you cause of the sex even though she didnt like you. that way you can say that you was good in the sack.
Whatever, sounds like she was a bitch anyways. Youre better off. This will afford you time to go out getting wasted and fucking many more woman. Good Luck and forget the whore.