I have made a zip of the moh sites I have come across and if any of you would like ot have acopy of the urls , please feel free to email me . They are clan sites that have mods or where maybe some have made skins , the good sites like AA here and just misc places skins exist . My email is
lamaddog2001@yahoo.com . In the subject line say Fubah I want links you mod whore lol . hehehe
I got surgery tomorrow Tuesday so I will be offline for a day or two but today my goal is to get my 6 new skins done for the community and get them sent to AA for all of you to check out .
Some have asked me what is stirring as for new mdos by Fubah .
Here is what is stirring :
1.A WW2 theme poster set
2.Saving Private Ryan Script (Like Captain Kick Your Ass has done but with things said from the movie like for example where the game may say "Need Backup" I got it now to say from the movie "Need Ammo GD " . Yes it is adult worded but so was it in the movie . I am watching the movie taken notes to be as close as I can to the elements that relate to moh to give you the community the closest represantation of it in script .
3.Captain Kick Your Ass and myself have teamed up to make a full mod pack which consist of a german side and allie side hud pack and also some skins for weapons and war room . It is nearly done . I would say sometime end of week for it if not early next week based on how I feel from surgery with what elements I have to finish for it .
Thank you all out there for giving Fubah skins and mods a try and writing in . I read every email I get and try to write back the same day you write me . I always take request and try to get em done in a timely manner . If ya ever stuck , have questions , see a skin or mod in one of my pictures ya can't find feel free to email me with the pic so I know what it is you want and I will send it to ya .
Soilder Skins are my weakest element of MOH to make so as for those , you may want to request a skin to those ya know and see make em in the download sections .
Medal Of Honor is all I play . I tried Battlefied 1942 . It is good and nice how ya do get to drive things and be part of a squad (feeling of it)and it ran smooth considering it was a demo so the work they have done shows but as for will it take Fubah from MOH , NEVER . I have been on MOH since the day 1 of its demo and hardly tried anything else but SOF2 . I skinned for it some and these days help some modders with it but play in moh .