good cars for a first car
hondas and toyotas are really reliable. If you have any expierence which I know you dont, id recomend others with some more power however seeing how you want an auto, get a bitch car.
Forget asking advice on what car to buy. Dont get in a big rush to buy anything. Take your time, put your ass in as many different cars as you can. Getting your first car is a very cool thing so dont rush it. Youll know when you find it.
Opinions on cars are like assholes, everybody has one. I had to buy my own car so i worked all summer bailing hay on a farm for 1.00 an hour. At the end of the summer i had 500.00. I bought a 54 ford coupe, straight 6 with 3 on the tree. Pretty much a piece of shit car but when i was 16 i was so damn proud of that car because i worked for the money then picked it out myself.
No matter how old you get youll never forget your first car. So again, take your time and look around before buying anything or youll buy the first thing you see then a week later youll see the car you wish you had bought. this is a milestone in your life.
As stupid as this sounds its true, You should tell your father you dont want him to buy you a car. You should get a part time job and save your money and buy your own car. Being a kid you probably dont understand the reasoning behind what you think is a stupid statement. This will create a 2 fold situation, 1 it will make your father proud to know his son is becoming a man and secondly when you buy something with own sweat it will mean so much more to you then just having it handed to you.
Ill probably get flamed for that statement but i bet the older guys here will understand what im saying.