99 honda civic. still drive it
there she is. horrible camera used to take pic, but whatever.
My first car was a 59 Chevy foor door, straight 6, 3 on the tree. I paid $50.00 for it and abandoned it on the streets of St Joseph MO.
Next I bought a 66 Gran Prix for $700.00. 389ci V8 auto with every option including a FM radio. I drove it home from CA and let my Dad drive it while I went to school in New Jersey. I then drove it to Camp Lejeune NC, and back to MO where I sold it for $600.00 to my brother.
Next I had a 64 Dodge Dart 2 door post, 225ci slant 6, auto push button. I paid $250.00 and drove it from New Jersey to MO and sold it for $400.00.
**Practicing the dark art of turn signal usage since 1976.**