Originally Posted by Akuma
In elementary school it's a whole different story. I'm sure not ALL people that go to christian schools turn out messed up, but a good number do.
Like strvs, I have a few old friends from school that I are heavy into drugs now. And pretty much everyone I've kept in contact with are now Athiests. oOo: biggrin:
I went to a Catholic school from kindergarten to 7th grade. I just left early because there was more music opportunities at my local public highschool. The catholic school was just too underfunded.
I was going to say the exact same thing as Colonel. It's a private school. Let them do whatever the hell they want. If they want to make a Muslim school: let them kick out the kids that get caught drinking alcohol and kick the girls out that wear skirts that show their legs. Hell, if they wanted to make a school that says your parents had to be non-Jews, let them go for it. I doubt they'd get a high admittance rate, but they're a private institution and let them do as they please.