Under the "Textures" menu the last option I have is "texture lock". There is no list of textures to select.
Any else had this problem or know how to resolve this. I have gone through the entire setup and made sure everything was ok and also reinstalled.
I have also copied the "entdefs.pk3" file to the /main dir.
i havent posted for a long time so here goes YOU HAVENT SETUP MOHRADIANT PROPERLY. if you followed all the instrcution correctly then it would be fine. check all your settings and make sure you have installed mohaa in c:/mohaa or equivalent but it must be in a root directory in order to compile correctly.
......make sure you have installed mohaa in c:/mohaa or equivalent but it must be in a root directory in order to compile correctly.
Install it where ever you want it and then get the Mbuilder for compiling instead.
Post ALL the exact locations you have set in the mohradiant and where you have placed the files so we can see if anything is wrong. The textures should show up even though if the entdefs.pk3 is located in the wrong folder. It reads textures from the games pakX.pk3 file (and user made pk3).