Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by "Anita_e-thug":deb2a
lmao you guys are so fucking ignorant on fighting.
Are you ignoring me? At least stop talking about fighting people if you refuse to acknowledge that I am taking up your challenge.
he's scared of your tripper. he's not used to confronting people who have proper hygiene[/quote:deb2a]
Dumb ass, long hair means I dont shower huh, so you having short hair makes you a fag then right?
If I wasted my time to beat up every wigger, I would have a full time job, come on get serious look at the 2 of us, only a moron would even think he had a chance. Plus if I do it. it would be very long after this tread is dead and gone, patience is a virtue, i have his address, its all i need.
I may have bad grammar, and be ugly. but I am not dumb. I know when to get people back if need be. But he is just a punk kid who wants to be black, has obvious issues with his race, hates his life and comes here to cut down people to make him self feel better, Why would I waste a few thousand dollars, to kick some ones ass who has no chance.[/quote:deb2a]
were you raped as a kid? by your dad perhaps? maybe its time to come out with this...my advice? go see a shrink