9/09 "Unable to resolve IP"
Ok, If your getting this error when you try to connect use this IP to connect
Im guessing this has to do with FastAttacks setup as I had the same problem just from disconnecting and rejoining and had to use the above IP to rejoin. I have no idea why this is but its random. If anyone can shed some light on this please let me know.
Get your XP pro fix from >Sparks< here:
http://www.alliedassault.com/phpBB2/vie ... p?t=145036
Thanks for taking the time buddy
TeamSpeak Tutorials...
[url:031e2]http://www.bkbhq.com/TeamSpeak/tstutorial.htm[/url:031e2] for setting up TeamSpeak 2.0
[url:031e2]http://www.bkbhq.com/TeamSpeak/TS2keymap.htm[/url:031e2] for using HotKeys
8/31 (just added to the Admin list below)
This is a possible fix for choppy sounds for XP and 98 users from the TS forums:
[quote:031e2]Same story as many posts here. Sound is fine out of game. In-game it gets choppy.
Noticed a way to help alleviate the stuttering problems for most players. WindowsXP users have the best of luck using the WAVE from SETTINGS==>OPTIONS. Win98/ME users do much better if they are using "direct sound" instead with the process priority set to real-time.
So far we have 4 more happy players because of this. Get the connection info of you users and get the win98/me users to try this. I hope this helps you all.[/quote:031e2]
Let us know if this helps anyone.
If your having problems PLZ post system specs and most important your OS. Please be paitient and not give up after trying it once because you have a problem. Post your problems here and I'll do my best to help you. I have 5 other guys who are helping out with TechSupport too.
Very important!
In the main TS window (2.0) goto SETTINGS/OPTIONS/OTHER and look for PROCESS PRIORITY and set to REALTIME. Close TS and reconnect.
We were having problems where our sound was getting very choppy when we were in-game and were testing this now to see if its a perm fix.
the password for ANY aa.com channel is "poaac".
Getting help from an Admin
If you need help and I or any other TS Admin is in a room you cant get into bind a hotkey to WHISPER to one of us by adding our names to a WHISPER KEY. Your new WHISPER key works the same as your regular push to transmit key and any of us will hear you no matter what room we are in. Simply ask for an admin to switch to your room and they'll be happy to help. Heres the list of registered Admins to date:
edit/ I just realised the admin nicks are case sensitive...
Jasper (super secse TS God Admin, duh :P)
SL83 (Planet Tribes)
Redsoccerdevil (SEAls)
If you use this funtion keep your conversation short untill he switches to your room. It gets confusing if you and somebody else are both talking at once
There will be a few more later but you can add this list for now. Ive allready made it clear to the admins that they are expected to help guys out if Im not around. I am online from 4:30am EST to 5:30am EST and from 4-5pm EST to whenever, lately its been around 11pm helping ppl out :-)
Ok guys. You need TeamSpeak 2.0 to connect to the aa.com TS server.
If you click my sig you can grab it from me or the official website here [url:031e2]http://www.teamspeak.org/[/url:031e2] or you can try the direct approach [url:031e2]http://www.teamspeak.org/download.php?op=getit&lid=13[/url:031e2].
Same as before,
To set my server as a favorite choose "Connect" and RIGHT click to add server. Then enter fastattack.org in the SERVER ADDRESS window.
Each groups channel, aa.com, planet tribes and =DOA= will be passworded.
aa.com channel password will be "poaac"
If you try to connect and get an error it means the server or TS is having problems. Just try again later. TS 2.0 is still "beta" so expect a few bugs here and there.