why dont we play best of 3 maps. u guys can pick the maps or we can just get on the server and see what both groups want to play. dont make a bit o difference to me....
Hey Guys, Lets do it this Saturday Sept. 14th @ 7:00pm EST on our server.
Contact Wintersforge for the server password.
The maps will be Southern France, Destroyed Village and Algiers.
Best score out of those three levels wins.
Our server holds 18 players.
If we end up with too many players. We can have 2 matches. We'll have a 15 minute break between the first match and the second.
Hey Winters, We''l be running 3 of the stock maps Southern France, Destroyed Village and Algiers unless you guys wanna try something else.
Theres still plenty of time to decide on the maps