alright, so i'm back into dating again. I'm dating this girl named nicole. Everything was great for the first week or so. But this week, shits hit the fan. She keeps accusing me of being jealous of other people when i'm clearly not. She keeps accusing me of wanting to do sexual shit with her when i obviously want to take it slow. Whats a nigga to do? I needs help.
It's true. She was cool for like a week, then she just flipped out. We think it may be a conspiracy from my ex, who we make fun of constantly for having stupid suburban white girl syndrome.
well dale, thats really only a theory and your ex has been fairly civil for the past few weeks. but the other night was uncalled for. She began giving me the third degree over wether or not i should be dating her. Its not her business and her kindly fucking off would be a great help.
well dale, thats really only a theory and your ex has been fairly civil for the past few weeks. but the other night was uncalled for. She began giving me the third degree over wether or not i should be dating her. Its not her business and her kindly fucking off would be a great help.
She's been civil because i haven't been laying into her every chance I got. Maybe she'll reject Tim and he'll snap and kill her. We can only hope.
I've been in the situation and all you can really do is casually talk to her about it. Don't sit her down and say "Hey, we need to talk"...thats always bad news. Next time your out with her just play it cool and don't bring it up. Just act normal and try not to start an argument. Every girl is different so try not to bring anything up that would offend her or make her raise her tone. If she truely wants to fix things she will listen.