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 DMz Dogtag v1.5 Beta - News, Screenshot, Test Server |
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DMz Dogtag v1.5 Beta - News, Screenshot, Test Server -
08-27-2002, 07:18 PM
I'm currently doing internal testing on v1.5b, as well as still adding features. The beta will go to a few folks soon via email.
Current features include:
Easy configuration via individual config files.
Works on maps automatically, even new maps (95+% success)
Fully configurable serverside scroller with programable strings.
Serverside force model override.
Serverside Allied and Axis player model overrides.
All Current Serverside mapfixes.
This is all being produced server side, with no download nessesary.
Also I'm doing some testing, and you are all invited! Hop on my mini test server and let me know what you find:
TFO DogMeats Test Server (incase it's not showing up try the address)
Warning it'll lag with alot of people sorry it's just my linux test server after all. I'll might be spectating but probably AFK.
Things to check: The scroller on the score screen. Try to turn on force models or try to select a different model, it'll change them back in a few seconds.
As a special treat I've put on my "blown bridge" mod on The Bridge, it's fast and wild action!
More technical info:
Unfortunately Mentally_Unstable's telefrag/teamswitch fix was a local only fix, and the server does not relay the modified info to the client. In attempting to discover a way around this, I ran smack into the fundamental issue of transfering data from server to client by dropping in a plug-in. I found my hook in the DMprecache.scr file, which is called by 95% or more maps.
Total Custom Maps: 49
DMz Dogtag Worked: 43
DMz Dogtag No Hook: 6 (German Winter Night, Broken Silence, Epic DM, Small Worlds, Titleist DM1, Urbansprawl)
The main config is dmzdogtag_config.scr
// sec_forcemodel : 0 Use Client Setting : 1 Use Server Setting
level.dmzdt_sec_forcemodel = 1
level.dmzdt_securityforcemodel = 0
//sec_playermodel : 0 Use Client Setting : 1 Use Server Setting
level.dmzdt_sec_playermodel = 1
level.dmzdt_securityplayermodel = "allied_airborne"
//sec_playergermanmodel : 0 Use Client Setting : 1 Use Server Setting
level.dmzdt_sec_playergermanmodel = 1
level.dmzdt_securityplayergermanmodel = "german_waffenss_shutze"
// step : 1 How many slots to scroll text at once
level.dmzdt_step = 1
// pause : 1.0 seconds
level.dmzdt_pauseshort = 0.1
level.dmzdt_pauselong = 1.0
level.dmzdt_pausesecurity = 20.0
// scroll : 0 debug options : 1 normal options
level.dmzdt_scroll = 1
And the actual scroller order is read from dmzdogtag_order.scr - A few examples of string programming. Note the order overlaps, this helps smooth scroll.
level.dmz_order1 = getcvar (g_obj_alliedtext1)
level.dmz_order2 = getcvar (g_obj_alliedtext2)
level.dmz_order3 = getcvar (g_obj_alliedtext3)
level.dmz_order4 = getcvar (g_obj_axistext1)
level.dmz_order5 = getcvar (g_obj_axistext2)
level.dmz_order6 = getcvar (g_obj_axistext3)
level.dmz_order7 = getcvar (sv_hostname)
level.dmz_order8 = getcvar (admin)
level.dmz_order9 = getcvar (email)
level.dmz_order10 = getcvar (g_motd)
level.dmz_order11 = getcvar (g_motd2)
level.dmz_order12 = getcvar (url)
level.dmz_order13 = "Gametype: " + getcvar (g_gametypestring)
level.dmz_order14 = "Friendly Fire: " + getcvar (g_teamdamage)
level.dmz_order15 = getcvar (connection)
level.dmz_order16 = "IP: " + getcvar (net_ip) + ":" + getcvar(net_port)
level.dmz_order17 = getcvar (dmzdogtag)
level.dmz_order18 = getcvar (dmzdogtagversion)
level.dmz_order19 = getcvar (g_obj_alliedtext1)
level.dmz_order20 = getcvar (g_obj_alliedtext2)
level.dmz_order21 = getcvar (g_obj_alliedtext3)
level.dmz_order22 = getcvar (g_obj_axistext1)
level.dmz_order23 = getcvar (g_obj_axistext2)
level.dmz_order24 = getcvar (g_obj_axistext3)
level.dmz_order25 = getcvar (sv_hostname)
level.dmz_order26 = getcvar (admin)
level.dmz_order27 = getcvar (email)
level.dmz_order28 = getcvar (g_motd)
level.dmz_order29 = getcvar (g_motd2)
level.dmz_order30 = getcvar (url)
So hop on the test server and report back here. biggrin:
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08-27-2002, 07:38 PM
Nice work
Look forward to that and will jump on your server in the morning.
Have to see that force models in action.
1 question tho how will this be implemented on Dedicated rented servers???
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08-27-2002, 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by kdja
1 question tho how will this be implemented on Dedicated rented servers???
This whole section of the DMz Dogtag is only dealing with serverside programming within the MoHAA engine itself, which means this is a server pk3 file plus two config files. Installation is as easy as any mod or a new map. The dedicated MoHAA processes my DMz Dogtag script every time it loads a level and starts two threads, one for the variables and the other for security. There would be a slight increase in network usage if you have the scroller refreshing at very fast rates, but other than that there would be no impact on the host computer. Plus you don't need any "special access" to run this, since MoHAA does it for you.
 Well i tested.... |
Posts: 41
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Well i tested.... -
08-28-2002, 07:10 AM
I tested..... looks pretty good.... The only question i have is.... are we going to be able to edit any of the scrolling text?!? Ya know put our clan website address in there etc... Is it possible to add any more lines to the script..??
WHEN WILL IT ALL BE RELEASED?!?! lol.... i currently hav 64 players banned from our server for known neon skins, this will just make it 20 times easier!!! lol
 Re: Well i tested.... |
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Re: Well i tested.... -
08-28-2002, 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by KingPhoenix
I tested..... looks pretty good.... The only question i have is.... are we going to be able to edit any of the scrolling text?!? Ya know put our clan website address in there etc... Is it possible to add any more lines to the script..??
I think that's what he said when he typed: "Fully configurable serverside scroller with programable strings."
BTW. this is great, DogMeat. Give's more info available for the server for players to see. Congrats, and good work! biggrin:
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08-28-2002, 12:38 PM
 release time?!? |
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release time?!? -
08-28-2002, 05:26 PM
hehehe swordfight:
fire1: M16:
Any idea of release date?! Also if someone edits the ingame skins using the name of the forced skins, i take it there is no way of stopping that?!? Cos all thats happening with this mod is your telling the client which skin to use...........
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08-28-2002, 06:00 PM
Yes, you will be able to put your own website, etc on the scroller. You can even change it (via the main config file) to not scroll, instead using it as a "slideshow" with longer delays between changes.
Actually I'm using a setup just to test, that ordinarily would not be used. Forcing the actual client side model/skin selection is an additional security measure that's almost unnessesary if you have Force Models turned off. Mine is setup currently to Force Models off, and to force what skins to use:
[code:42eee]// sec_forcemodel : 0 Use Client Setting : 1 Use Server Setting
level.dmzdt_sec_forcemodel = 1
level.dmzdt_securityforcemodel = 0
//sec_playermodel : 0 Use Client Setting : 1 Use Server Setting
level.dmzdt_sec_playermodel = 1
level.dmzdt_securityplayermodel = "allied_airborne"
//sec_playergermanmodel : 0 Use Client Setting : 1 Use Server Setting
level.dmzdt_sec_playergermanmodel = 1
level.dmzdt_securityplayergermanmodel = "german_waffenss_shutze"[/code:42eee] Here is how most people would run it, with Force Models Off, and Use Client Settings for the skins. [code:42eee]// sec_forcemodel : 0 Use Client Setting : 1 Use Server Setting
level.dmzdt_sec_forcemodel = 1
level.dmzdt_securityforcemodel = 0
//sec_playermodel : 0 Use Client Setting : 1 Use Server Setting
level.dmzdt_sec_playermodel = 0
level.dmzdt_securityplayermodel = "allied_airborne"
//sec_playergermanmodel : 0 Use Client Setting : 1 Use Server Setting
level.dmzdt_sec_playergermanmodel = 0
level.dmzdt_securityplayergermanmodel = "german_waffenss_shutze"[/code:42eee] However you are correct, not much I can do about modified or renamed default skins. For that EA would have to fix the sv_pure option, which of course would also fix a hell of alot of cheats.
I'm hoping to get the beta out this weekend, no clue on release date yet. However I am going to be releasing the DMz Dogtag server component before I continue work on the client component. (more info: [url:42eee][/url:42eee])
 Sorry dogmeat, one more thing, |
Posts: 41
Join Date: Jul 2002
Sorry dogmeat, one more thing, -
08-28-2002, 08:42 PM
Sorry to keep going on....
We rent our server, i see from the settings section it says use server settings, i take it i can set that in the server.cfg (the server settings that it would use?) or something as it is just referring to a variable.... Or does it only work if it is run from a dedicated launcher (hope not hmmmm)
Thanks for your time on clarifying these points for me.....
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08-28-2002, 08:51 PM
Sweeeet! If you want another test site, let me know and I'll put it up. See ya!
Oh, yeah - great job!!!!
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08-28-2002, 09:33 PM
i noticed the force model thing...can you make it so volumetric smoke is server side (cvar vss_draw 1) i was wondering, for my new version of smoke nades, if some one wanted to see through them they could just turn off vss_draw . Thanks love the mods.
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08-28-2002, 10:33 PM
KP: No problemo, I like questions. angel: Actually when it says use server settings it's reffering to the very next line. Those two files are the actual config files, and can be FTP'ed to the server just like a map or mod. [code:99771]// sec_forcemodel : 0 Use Client Setting : 1 Use Server Setting
level.dmzdt_sec_forcemodel = 1 // Off = 0 : On = 1 : Controls Next Line
level.dmzdt_securityforcemodel = 0 // Off = 0 : On = 1 : If sec_forcemodel = 0 this does nothing![/code:99771] I am definately designing this with ALL types of servers in mind, including dedicated rented ones that you have little control over. Also both Linux and Windows servers will be supported.
CK: Thanks, I had a feeling you'd like the new version. eek: I'd be glad to have you as a tester, which reminds me what docs did you use for yours and Bits guide? Just the FAKK2 docs or something more?
K3: That is one of the things I will be working on trying to combat. Punkbuster lists a ton of settings it considers cheating, and I've gotten a few more MoHAA specific ones from my research.
Current List of Upcoming Beta Servers:
Crow King
[DSB]Doggie (West Server)
If I forgot anyone or if you don't want to test PM me.
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08-29-2002, 12:31 AM
Crap! I'm guessing this will take away the server uploaded skins? I won't be able to see my little Coleman skin! ::cry:: ::cry:: cry: cry: cry: cry: cry: cry: cry: cry: cry: cry: cry: cry: cry: cry: cry: cry: cry: cry: cry: cry: cry: cry: cry: cry: cry: cry: cry: cry: cry: cry: cry: cry: cry: cry:
Anyway, this means no one will be able to choose their skins. Not to be against the force models/ or even with it, i just came up with some questions or brain pokers.
What will this do to the skinning community? If this is on many servers, what's the point of having skins in your main folder. Alot of people like to have clan skins or even funny skins (zombies, colemans, babes, etc.)
That's just a thought.
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08-29-2002, 01:20 AM
GC: You will definately still be able to use custom skins! With Force Models turned off you wouldn't see everyone else running around as one skin. Lets run thru an example.
Server has the GC skin on it and is turning Force Models Off and Client Side Skin selection.
Player A has the GC skin but has another skin selected.
Player B has the GC and is using it.
Player C has only default skins.
The only person who would not see the skin is Player C.
So custom skins will still work, as long as the server and clients have that skin. With the ability to force the skin selection clans could even force their own skins to be used on their clan server. Forcing Server Side Skin Selection is not nessesary, it's merely an additional option. (see my msg above) There might be a small impact on the skinning community, however the ability to stop people from using (most) neon skins will far outweigh it.
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08-29-2002, 08:07 AM
Yeah, the FAKK docs were a good source, as were one or two of the game's original developers (who used to hang out here). There was also a ton of trial and error in building the portable machine gun mod that helped. Maybe someday I'll get around to finishing that darn thing.....
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