Well FPS wise there is a big difference. My parent's computer has a TNT something 32MB card... maybe the same as yours and I get about 30 FPS max. On my computer I have a GF2MX400 64MB and I get around 80- 130 FPS all the time.
Don't know if this helps, but I have a PIII 450 512 mb ram. I put in a G Force 4 Ti4400(128mb ram) and turned my graphics way up. My resolution is 1024x768 and I get a very smooth game! I heard somewhere though that the default size of ram in MOHAA is set at 64 megs. The card i had before was a G Force 2 with 32 megs of ram. I did notice pretty big difference in performance.
Here's some advice (and please take it to heart...):
Don't buy the GF4 MX cards. They are totally worthless. Dish out the 140 for a Ti4200 or the 90 for a R8500, or if you're broke get a GF2 MX. Seriously. GF4 MX = crap. They are basically the same thing as the GF2 MX.
The fact that it's cheaper does not make it a quality product. If you buy something thats a waste of money for 30 bucks, does that make it a better deal then something that is worthwhile for 40 bucks?
If your answer is yes, go right ahead and buy that GF4 MX...might as well get the PCI version too! eatthis:
I agree with garasaki. Anyone even remotely interested in gaming should not bother with the GF 4 mx. If you can't afford a radeon 8500 or GF3 200ti, then save your money up.
You can get a radeon8500 for $88 at newegg (the best online parts store).
Buying this stuff outside of the us is tough...I dunno how to help you with that. I'd consider buying it and shipping it to you, but you'd have to pay me back with US dollars...
Pricewatch isn't gonna help this guy much...and newegg is the best! But they only ship to the US...