My advice to anyone using beta drivers. Check the comments b4 installing. These guys will let you know if there is any problems with the newer beta drivers.
Taz - he's just saying to uninstall the current drivers. Find them in Settings->Control Panel->Add/Remove Programs.
Then go to and click on the "download drivers" button on top. Follow the instructions.
NOTE - these are only for win2k and winXP. If you have 98, you're SOL for now. But, like I said earlier - most people are reporting that the performance increases are only for GeForce 4s.
Just a tip about what Rudedog said, read those comments, but still, no one should download any beta versions of Direct X. They tend to be VERY unstable, due to early compatibilty with older cards. So, stick with the full working, current version.
BTW: Those new drivers gave me 3FPS extra! biggrin: biggrin:
Taz - he's just saying to uninstall the current drivers. Find them in Settings->Control Panel->Add/Remove Programs.
Then go to and click on the "download drivers" button on top. Follow the instructions.
NOTE - these are only for win2k and winXP. If you have 98, you're SOL for now. But, like I said earlier - most people are reporting that the performance increases are only for GeForce 4s.
Thanks Nomar & Rudedog, i got WIN XP, won't be a problem ...
I think if I have any problems, I can always ask my brother hopefully ! wink:
Do you really need to uninstall the old drivers? I have always just installed the new drivers and left the old. I would hope nvidia would make their new drivers such that the old ones didnt interfere.
I used to work for invidia for years and I know what i'm talking about. You never have to uninstall any video drivers. The newest Detonator 4 drivers will replace your old version quite handily. Don't uninstall your old drivers ever. If you uninstall these drivers here is what could happen. If you are fortunate enough to have windows xp you have a REVERT to previous video driver feature. So if you have a tradgedy installing the new driver you can revert to you old driver. Good luck