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Johnj is Offline
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Default 11-27-2005, 08:23 PM

Well Nyck,
One difference right of the bat. I DID BUY IT. In your own words:
I never even bought this game

For what I paid for it works just fine. No lag what ever. Play on line, I do not need to. I enjoy the game for the atmosphere and experience and challenge. When the price comes down I will get COD2. It is my money and I just honesty state my opinion.

You wrote "It’s REALLY linear and has nothing different from MOHAA save you are killing Japs now instead of krauts.

Comparing a horse and buggy to the first automobile. What you see is the wave of the future. Graphics are better, more realistic and better story line. Those Japanese troops are a hell of a lot harder to knock off. Lone wolf it and you are dead meat. The Jap AI is more intelligent then Jerry in MOHAA. That is at the median setting just trying the realistic. As the settings increases so does the enemy change. Gads of problems just getting off the Pearl Harbor Docks. Any COD or MOHAA player will have all kinds of trouble like in real life. Unless they play a COD moded to realism. You got no HUD, no crosshairs, no ammo count or compass. Just you and your weapon and you better know to best use it and know your ammo load out.


Life never meets expectations, learn that lesson other wise you good be a real disappointed dude in life. Such is life. At least you bought it, what did you expect for a new game? Never believe the hype. All the advertising hype is to wet your appetite for their eye candy.

Sure it was buggy when it first came out. All games go through that. Maybe people bought the game and found out they did not have the graphics or PC to support it. Blame the Game companies and computer companies. Those newer games are going to demand higher end PCs. So MOHPA and COD2 is just the start. As long as people want the eye candy, they will pay and get better systems. Time and technology does not stand still.
You should have read the min requirements and figured double what was really needed. More companies are making games for PS or xbox. Now even the old systems are on the way out. The new standard will be PS3 and XBOX 360.

Heck the VCR is going the way of the old beta track. I had to get a DVD player to watch the newer movies.

What is it sounds like the kiddies are being left behind in the techno race. And in the future no one to play with them their favorite game on -line. I guess the parents won't put out the dough. They might have to work for their new toys like us grown -ups. That is a shocker.

Tystnad have you bought it or are you in Nyck's class. You make statements not back up by any facts. Both of you are all emotion, no thought. At least Posiden bought the game.

PS Nyck you and your crowd ain’t the whole world. Open your mind and experience something new, you might like it. By the way it is my money not yours.

Before I forget, nice to hear from TonyMontana, the cpu and PC. In my days of old DOS it was CPU. These Kiddies don't know those good old days.
Take away windows and their mice they are lost. Heck even I would have to break out the DOS manuals. You old enough to remember the space sim Begin? It is still around.
Semper Fi

I went ahead and used Word to spell check your last post. The corrected text is posted above. You made 43 mistakes and I didn't try to fix the grammar errors. Didn't you used to be Shag Nasty and Anita Head?

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Re: who cares about coding as lon as it plays
Poseidon is Offline
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Default Re: who cares about coding as lon as it plays - 11-27-2005, 08:51 PM

For a old man you really sound like your're one of the youngest people on this forum. No only do you type slang like many teenagers but your spelling is atrocious.

Originally Posted by MudMarine
FWhat amazed ya ? If the graphics where bad.
Are you really thick or something that you cannot understand my previous post? In simple preschool language:
COMPARED TO MOHAA the graphics are amazing
COMPARED TO OTHER GAMES OF ITS TIME the graphics are crap.

Originally Posted by Poseidon
I would tend to disagree, compared to MOHAA yes the graphics are amazing, but comparing it to other games of its time.. the graphics are pretty damn aweful.

Originally Posted by MudMarine
Forgot Poseidon, Graphics aweful, compared to what other game of its time? At least ya where amazed by them.
I said this earlier in another post oOo:

Originally Posted by Poseidon

I have bought/aquired many games that I have been very happy with (bf2/ aao/half life 2 etc) These games have all shown how much they revolutionise gaming,
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Default Re: who cares about coding as lon as it plays - 11-27-2005, 09:00 PM

Originally Posted by MudMarine

What is it sounds like the kiddies are being left behind in the techno race. and in the future no one to play with them thier favorite game on -line. I guess the parents won't put owt the dough. They might have to work for thier new toys like us grown -ups. That is a shocker.
LMAO 1st off dude im 25 no where near a kid and when bf2 came out, I bought a new card to support it and last me for awhile(and i spent a whole 130 bucks) I mean you just upgraded from Onboard to a PCI card. I did that 1997 when I bought a VOODOO3 card to play Delta Force 2. You will have to upgrade again when you attempt to play anything worth a shit.

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Re: who cares about coding as lon as it plays
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Default Re: who cares about coding as lon as it plays - 11-27-2005, 09:14 PM

Originally Posted by Nyck
Originally Posted by MudMarine

What is it sounds like the kiddies are being left behind in the techno race. and in the future no one to play with them thier favorite game on -line. I guess the parents won't put owt the dough. They might have to work for thier new toys like us grown -ups. That is a shocker.
LMAO 1st off dude im 25 no where near a kid and when bf2 came out, I bought a new card to support it and last me for awhile(and i spent a whole 130 bucks) I mean you just upgraded from Onboard to a PCI card. I did that 1997 when I bought a VOODOO3 card to play Delta Force 2. You will have to upgrade again when you attempt to play anything worth a shit.
Exactly, alot of the members of this community are out of school and earning and supporting themselves. Myself i'm nearly 20 and bought my own card for £220 about 8 months ago. dont come onto these forums shouting about everyone relying on their parents for things. You dont know shit about anyone on these forums so stfu already.
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Default 11-27-2005, 09:56 PM

mud, just save yourself the agony and leave this forum like 99% of the n00bs that come in here. and for future reference, dont write drawn out posts that would be long enough to be put into Time Magazine, not one around here gives a rats ass. most stuff isnt more than a paragraph long, unless its a review, or a tut.

in short.......


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Default 11-28-2005, 12:25 AM


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Default 11-28-2005, 05:47 AM

Originally Posted by MudMarine
Tystnad have you bought it or are you in Nyck's class. You make statements not back up by any facts. Both of you are all emotion, no thought. At least Posiden bought the game.
Ya, I had the game, installed and all. For like a day or two. Its crap! Graphics werent something spectacular and overwhelming, gameplay wasnt anything new and exciting, story was very "pro-america" as always in the MoH-series, enemy AI wasnt impressing at all and the game itself was a real disapointment. There, did that do ti for ya, or do you want me to mail my copy to ya so your convinced or summin?

And regarding the agebit: Im 20 yo, I work for the Swedish airforce and I earn my money by guarding a whole fuckin airport. Armed. I bought BF2, realised my comp wasnt good enough, so I spent another $250 on a card, new hdd and a new DVD, just so I could play the game. And thats the difference here; BF2 is a good game, worth every penny. MoH:PA wasnt even worth the paper the cover was printed on.

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Default Re: who cares about coding as lon as it plays - 11-28-2005, 08:01 AM

Originally Posted by Poseidon
I found MOHPA to be VERY simular to MOHAA .
I'm not going to spend alot of time defending PA, I spent countless hours doing that in the EA forums when it was released, but I do have to comment on this one. What i really find interesting about any release is the different way people perceive it. When the game was first released I heard some folks complaining that it was too much like MOHAA, but the greater majority complained that it wasn't enough like MOHAA. I guess folks wanted the exact same gameplay as MOHAA but against Japanese. I guess it is just the way you look at it.

Mud - I only went through the game on the Normal level. I never played it through on the Realistic mode. This wasn't because I didn't like the SP game, but because I just like MP better. I had some really fun nights playing with clan members. What ruined it for me was that there was a sudden influx of bunny hoppers and trouble makers. At about that same time I had some computer problems and by the time I got that fixed most folks had moved on to a different game.

I really liked PA and miss playing it. To me, having an objective to reach focuses the action and makes the game more fun. Couple that with the fact that you don't have to run for two or three minutes (ala BF2) to get to the action and you have a great game.

I guess I was just lucky that I had a video card that could handle the game. The graphics were amazing and the game play was smooth.
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Default Re: who cares about coding as lon as it plays - 11-28-2005, 08:20 AM

Originally Posted by Colonel

I guess I was just lucky that I had a video card that could handle the game. The graphics were amazing and the game play was smooth.
I would tend to disagree, compared to MOHAA yes the graphics are amazing, but comparing it to other games of its time.. the graphics are pretty damn aweful.
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Default Re: who cares about coding as lon as it plays - 11-28-2005, 08:30 AM

Originally Posted by Poseidon
I would tend to disagree, compared to MOHAA yes the graphics are amazing, but comparing it to other games of its time.. the graphics are pretty damn aweful.
Like I said, maybe it was my card, I don't know. The foliage was incredibly detailed. I remember standing on a hill looking down at the creek below and I watched a leaf travel all the way from one end of the screen to the other. Amazing detail. (unfortunately the reason I had time to watch what was going on in the creek was because the server was empty.) I thought they did a great job on the water reflections too. At least on my PC, the detail is not far below BF2. And considering that you've got leaves swaying in the wind, tons more foliage to render, etc. it's quite an accomplishment.
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Default 11-28-2005, 11:34 AM

I run everything on low on CSS. No way in hell could I possibly play BF2 even on low. cry:
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Default BF2,MOHAA and MOHPA - 11-28-2005, 06:52 PM

I have taken the time to look at the BF2 Vedio, johnJ, Please leave my spellin alone. dun on purpose makes people read, ya got a good heart and I thank ya for that. It also beats cussin.

Back to subject. You talke about MOHPA being like MOHAA. That BF2 is just an updated version of MOHAA. Yes, ya had sights for heavy weapons but those annoyin cross hairs to help ya sight ya small arms. No wonder these guys hate it. Where is the challenge of lookin down at your oponent through a sight picture. Heck fire from the hip is a disperation tactic. To me it is not realistic. I challenge any of these KIDS ta do well with just iron sights. in real life that is all ya have. Give me , MOHPA and COD series any day over these MOHAA clones. If there was any comparison for MOHPA it would be COD series. MOHPA was made to compete with the COD market.

Tystnad, MOHPA or any WWII is either Pro-America,Brittish or Russian. We won the dang war. Then again EA is made in the good old USA. Heck BF2 is also. Keep your copy of the game. When ya get tired of those MOHAA clones, try it on realistic level for a real challenge.

I think ya are wrong I would not get the reaction that I am haven fun with. What is suprisen, that I am gettin compete sentences from these boozos with coherent thought, instead of just profanity to expressin themselves. I'm thinkin of stickin arround for a while.

I guess the 2002 model CPs on board graphics where better then those in 97. Yet again the graphics still gets up there. In the future I think I will go PS2 a lot of cheap used games out there, be even more with the new XBOX and PS. The only other upgade worth haven is memory, thinkin about a gig, when the price come down some more.

Col. darlin.
Sorry had ta use that, from my favorite movie "Gettysburg". I appreciate others that love this game. Those graphics makes those island jungles come alive. loved the swamp sequences. The real challenge is the realistic level. Just stayin alive till the end, heck with the medals and hidden objectives.

Forgot Poseidon, Graphics aweful, compared to what other game of its time? At least ya where amazed by them. What amazed ya ? If the graphics where bad.

Ya kiddies are still kids in my book, anyone younger than 30 is still a kid. The only exception are those in service and wearin a uniform. Tystnad, that includes yaself also. Ya can't be all bad if ya serven ya country, YOU have my respect.
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Default 11-28-2005, 07:04 PM

Reading anything by you makes my head explode. Go play mohpa with fanboi colonel biggrin: beer: Im sure ya can find a server.

ps you act like you cant turn the cross hairs off in any games.

I mean if I wanted realism I woulda joined the army ffs, prez Bush would put me in the ultimate video game...But what if I lag out there man...I heard theres no respawn or PunkBuster in RL.

Just do us a favor when you finally buy a ps2 in 2009 pls dont tell us how elite and life like the graphics look

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Default 11-28-2005, 07:11 PM

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Default 11-28-2005, 07:45 PM

ya know man ya are fucking pissing me off ya.
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