Question: Advice when testing maps. -
08-31-2002, 02:31 PM
Hi, is it possible to enter a command in the console to give you full brightness when testing a map? I add the sky box last and it would save me a lot of hassle having to add loads of lights which are going to be removed after testing.
in the map editor you can apply the following to worldspawn
KEY ambientlight
VALUE: 60 60 60
If you want, you can test your map with these settings, and the same lighting will be present throughout the map. You can always take it away in the final version.
If you are using MBuilder, then check "pauze after BSP". When the prgram is in the pauze then just quit it and run the BSP file in MOHAA. Now It's at full brightness (just like the editor 3D view). (and its saves you allot of compile time, when you just want to test it)