Is there a way , if the config file is set up on the servers computer with the rcon password , is there a way of kicking and changing map thought my console , if i know the rcon password ??
it didnt work , nothing happens on the server !!! . u know this is for remote server right ? cuz whren i type commands in then it just doesnt do nothing !!! plz help !!!!
i have , i joined the server , played for a bit . then used the rcon commands and nothing came up in the console at all !!! i know the server has the config file in place and i know the password , because i did it !! but i cannot get it to work at all , any other ideas?
Do you have the console activted for the game on the machine you're playing from? Start up MoHAA, go into Advanced Options and make sure the console is turned on. If it's not, you just get a chat window when you hit the console button in the game.
Can anyone tell me how I can find the admin tool that changes swear words into words I specify? I'm fed up of telling people not to swear and then having to kick them because they ignore my advice.