Jose was killed in the North cemetery with the twenty-nine other guerrilla members includÂ*ing the eldest sons of the Elizaldes and the Roceses and Captain Morgan
i ripped it from another forum oOo: what does it matter the source? its provided 4 pages without derailment until your sense of superiority came into play.
i ripped it from another forum oOo: what does it matter the source? its provided 4 pages without derailment until your sense of superiority came into play.
Please don't start with that girls name bullshit. I can totally argue against it. It's a old english style name for boys but when it got to America it changed, in Jamaica (where I used to live) most of the men who lived their were named Courtney because of British influence..a black actor on Law and Order CI is named courtney...many cricket players are named Courtney. If you wish to say its a girls name by all means make a fool of yourself.
Please don't start with that girls name bullshit. I can totally argue against it. It's a old english style name for boys but when it got to America it changed, in Jamaica (where I used to live) most of the men who lived their were named Courtney because of British influence..a black actor on Law and Order CI is named courtney...many cricket players are named Courtney. If you wish to say its a girls name by all means make a fool of yourself.