cant install medal of honor -
09-01-2002, 12:10 AM
happy: well I accidently deleted medal of honor and when I try to instll it backs it keeps on taking me to this progam that has repair modify and remove options help I wnat to play real bad
be safe, remove it, then install it again, those three options usually come in uninstalling the program, so either you keep trying to uninstall or something is asking for a repair/uninstall
you need to use regedit and clean the registry
these are the string that need to be deleted
open regedit and delete the following:
hkey local machine\software\ea games delete mohaa folder
hkey current user\software\ea games delete mohaa folder
hkey localmachine\software\microsoft\windows\currentver sion\uninstall\
{0DEA94ED-915 A-4834 -A87E-388D012C8E02}
reboot than you'll be able to install