it's called an analogy, and you're an idiot for thinking this is the same as WWII. I'm with Coleman, this is stupid. Most of the world has the same opinion on this, even many European countries, I'm not gonna argue it with one person who has a different opinion.
did i say this was the same as WW2, no you are the idiot for thinking so, i just mentioned the only 2 nukes that have been used on humans as you asked 'do you honestly think any of those countries would actually use nuclear weapons?' so why the fuck do you think I said it, and it doesnt matter if it happened 60 years ago, they are still the only time nuclear weapons have been used so is of huge importances, and you and Madmartagen are trying to shift it to the side as if it does not matter.
But give up then, be with Coleman, be so shit deep in the ignorance of what is actually going on here and go to bed little boy.
ahahahaha. I'm not giving up, I'm just not gonna argue with someone who is beyond reasoning. And you did compare it to WW2, you brought in the fact that the US is the only country to have used the bomb and tried to make that seem related to what we are talking about now...that's a comparison...
ww2 was much more than 2 bombs, and as said those 2 bombs are greatly related as the argument involves nuclear weapons, and well these are the only ones used, but try and ignore that fact then and be above reason, fool.
you brought up ww2 mang, i was trying to keep it on the issue of trust. I dotn trust Iran with nuclear technology. thats my reasoning by it. I dont trust Bush, thats for sure; but i dont have to be a supporter of him or our govt to make up my own mind about Iran.
Whats that prove, china a country which has never really ever backed western appeals, and who has its hand DEEP into Iran oil, is scared shitless of losing that supply and wonders what other Mid East Countries would think of its decsion to back sanctions. Therefore it makes the decsion to not bite the hand that feeds them and risk losing oil.
"I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do if I caught one. I just *do* things. I'm a wrench in the gears. I *hate* plans." - The Joker
no its with the plans to enrich uranium in Russia which the situation is about, you know the way you make nuclear weapons, that apparently Iran plan to even though they clearly stated otherwise.
but then again lets hope this situation doesnt get resolved, so sanctions get put in place, and i will laugh when you pay shit loads for your gas