It's kind of funny that the stuff everyone says is for n00bs (camping, shotguns, rockets) is used by some of the best clans around. If you go on the KAOS server you are definitely going to run into all of these n00b tactics and weapons. I guess KAOS is a bunch of n00bs. WintersForge is ghey but I bet he can whip just about any of whining asses.
i never said anything about pple using shotties being n00bs...personally i love the shottie...but iam 10 times better w/ the smg so i dont complain about pple with shotties
theres nothin funnier then to come around a corner..see a guy with a stop..let him fire..step back around the corner..the missle goes wizzin hes tryin to reload for another race up and club him in the forehead...always makes me laugh...gota be the most satisfying kill in the game...BUTCHER
There's nothin' funnier then to come around a corner..see a guy with ANY weapon..he STOPS..then he becomes quick cannon fodder.....
Rocketeer since 1973
One of the reasons I use rockets, is that they're really a little unfair. If the rocketeer and enemy are close together, both with 100% health, the rocketeer usually will survive a close hit, but not the enemy. This is a known glitch in the game. Actually, if the rocketeer dies next to you, as you say, his health was already low.
There's nothin' funnier then to come around a corner..see a guy with ANY weapon..he STOPS..then he becomes quick cannon fodder.....
Rocketeer since 1973
after youve killed him...its me that clubs you in the forehead while your reloading...way to damn funny...BUTCHER